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S-Index (UI Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.awt 6.11.0


SECOND_PREFERRED - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. constant for moving the split point so that the second (right/bottom) component is sized according to its preferredSize
setArrowsOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets the new orientation of arows.
setBoundsIgnored(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
setCentered(boolean) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Indicate that the text should be painted centered below the icon.
setContinuousLayout(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the ContinuousLayout property.
setDelay(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets new value of repeatDelay variable.
setEnableHome(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Enables/disables Home button.
setEnableLocation(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Enables/disables location.
setFactory(HtmlBrowser.Factory) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Deprecated. Use Lookup instead to register factories
setForeground(Color) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Setter method for foreground color.
setHomePage(String) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Sets the home page.
setHtml(boolean) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Explicitly tell the renderer it is going to receive HTML markup, or it is not.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Set the icon to be used for painting
setIconTextGap(int) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Convenience method to set the gap between the icon and text.
setIndent(int) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Set a number of pixels the icon and text should be indented.
setKeepFirstSame(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the KeepFirstSame property.
setKeepSecondSame(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the KeepSecondSame property.
setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Mnemonics
Sets the text for a menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton.
setLocalizedText(JLabel, String) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Mnemonics
Sets the text for the label or other subclass of JLabel.
setMaximum(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets a maximum of the range of the SpinButton.
setMenuItems(JMenuItem[]) - Method in class org.openide.awt.JInlineMenu
Deprecated. Setter for array of items to display.
setMenuText(AbstractButton, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.openide.awt.Actions
Deprecated. Use either AbstractButton.setText(java.lang.String) or Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String) as appropriate.
setMinimum(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets a minimum of the range of the SpinButton.
setOrientation(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets the new orientation.
setParentFocused(boolean) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Indicate that the component being rendered has keyboard focus.
setRate(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets new value of repeatRate variable.
setRenderStyle(int) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Set the rendering style - this can be JLabel-style truncated-with-elipsis (...) text, or clipped text.
setRepeating(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.ListPane
setSplitAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitAbsolute property.
setSplitDragable(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the Dragable property.
setSplitPosition(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitPosition property.
setSplitterComponent(Component) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitterComponent property.
setSplitterCursor() - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Updates the splitter's cursor according to the current SplittedPanel settings.
setSplitterType(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitterType property.
setSplitType(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitType property.
setSplitTypeChangeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SplitTypeChangeEnabled property.
setStatusLineVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Shows/hides status line.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class org.openide.awt.StatusDisplayer
Show text in the status line.
setStep(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets a new step of the SpinButton.
setSwapPanesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Setter method for the SwapPanesEnabled property.
setText(String) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer.Renderer
Set the text to be displayed.
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Shows/hides toolbar.
setURL(URL) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
Sets current URL.
setURL(String) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Sets new URL.
setURL(URL) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser
Sets new URL.
setValue(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Sets a new value of the SpinButton.
setVisibleColumnCount(int) - Method in class org.openide.awt.ListPane
Deprecated. Set the preferred number of rows in the list that are visible within the nearest JViewport ancestor, if any.
showHistory() - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
Invoked when the history button is pressed.
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.openide.awt.MouseUtils.PopupMouseAdapter
Called when the sequnce of mouse events should lead to actual showing of the popup menu.
showURL(URL) - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.URLDisplayer
API clients usage: Call this method to display your URL in some browser.
SpinButton - Class in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. Obsoleted by javax.swing.JSpinner in JDK 1.4
SpinButton() - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Create new SpinButton.
SpinButtonAdapter - Class in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. Obsoleted by javax.swing.JSpinner in JDK 1.4
SpinButtonAdapter() - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SpinButtonAdapter
SpinButtonListener - Interface in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. Obsoleted by javax.swing.JSpinner in JDK 1.4
splitChanged(SplittedPanel.SplitChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel.SplitChangeListener
Deprecated. Called when a split point changes
SplittedPanel - Class in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. This class does nothing interesting that cannot be done with a JSplitPane. Use a JSplitPane instead.
SplittedPanel() - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Constructs a new empty SplittedPanel with no spliting.
SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter - Class in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. This class does nothing interesting that cannot be done with a JSplitPane. Use a JSplitPane instead.
SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter() - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter
SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter(int) - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel.EmptySplitter
SplittedPanel.SplitChangeEvent - Class in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. This class does nothing interesting that cannot be done with a JSplitPane. Use a JSplitPane instead.
SplittedPanel.SplitChangeEvent(SplittedPanel, int, int) - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel.SplitChangeEvent
Deprecated. Constructs a new SplitChangeEvent for specified source SplittedPanel and old and new SplitPositions
SplittedPanel.SplitChangeListener - Interface in org.openide.awt
Deprecated. A listener interface for tracking split point changes
StatusDisplayer - Class in org.openide.awt
Permits control of a status line.
StatusDisplayer() - Constructor for class org.openide.awt.StatusDisplayer
Subclass constructor.
StatusLineElementProvider - Interface in org.openide.awt
Provides a component which will be added at east side of the status line.
step - Variable in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
Deprecated. Step of the SpinButton.
stopLoading() - Method in class org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser.Impl
Stops loading of current html page.
STYLE_CLIP - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer
Constant used by renderString, renderPlainString, renderHTML, and HtmlRenderer.Renderer.setRenderStyle(int) if painting should simply be cut off at the boundary of the cooordinates passed.
STYLE_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer
Constant used by renderString, renderPlainString, renderHTML, and HtmlRenderer.Renderer.setRenderStyle(int) if painting should produce an ellipsis (...) if the text would overlap the boundary of the coordinates passed.
swapPanes() - Method in class org.openide.awt.SplittedPanel
Deprecated. Swaps the panes.
switchRun(boolean) - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
switchStop() - Method in class org.openide.awt.SpinButton
synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[]) - Method in class org.openide.awt.Actions.MenuItem
synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[]) - Method in class org.openide.awt.Actions.SubMenu
synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[]) - Method in interface org.openide.awt.DynamicMenuContent
update main menu presenters.
synchMenuPresenters(JComponent[]) - Method in class org.openide.awt.JInlineMenu

org.openide.awt 6.11.0
Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.