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Actions (UI Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Class Actions

  extended by org.openide.awt.Actions

public class Actions
extends Object

Supporting class for manipulation with menu and toolbar presenters.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Actions.ButtonActionConnector
          SPI for supplying alternative implementation of connection between actions and presenters.
static class Actions.CheckboxMenuItem
          CheckboxMenuItem extends the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem and adds a connection to boolean state actions.
static class Actions.MenuItem
          Extension of Swing menu item with connection to system actions.
static class Actions.SubMenu
          SubMenu provides easy way of displaying submenu items based on SubMenuModel.
static interface Actions.SubMenuModel
          Interface for the creating Actions.SubMenu.
static class Actions.ToolbarButton
          Deprecated. extends deprecated ToolbarButton
static class Actions.ToolbarToggleButton
          Deprecated. extends deprecated ToolbarToggleButton
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void connect(AbstractButton button, Action action)
          Connects buttons to action.
static void connect(AbstractButton button, BooleanStateAction action)
          Connects buttons to action.
static void connect(AbstractButton button, SystemAction action)
          Deprecated. Use connect(AbstractButton, Action) instead.
static void connect(JCheckBoxMenuItem item, BooleanStateAction action, boolean popup)
          Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action.
static void connect(JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup)
          Attaches menu item to an action.
static void connect(JMenuItem item, SystemAction action, boolean popup)
          Deprecated. Use connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean) instead.
static String cutAmpersand(String text)
          Removes an ampersand from a text string; commonly used to strip out unneeded mnemonics.
static String findKey(SystemAction action)
          Method that finds the keydescription assigned to this action.
static void setMenuText(AbstractButton item, String text, boolean useMnemonic)
          Deprecated. Use either AbstractButton.setText(java.lang.String) or Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String) as appropriate.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Actions()
Method Detail


public static String findKey(SystemAction action)
Method that finds the keydescription assigned to this action.

action - action to find key for
the text representing the key or null if there is no text assigned


public static void connect(JMenuItem item,
                           SystemAction action,
                           boolean popup)
Deprecated. Use connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean) instead.

Attaches menu item to an action.

item - menu item
action - action
popup - create popup or menu item


public static void connect(JMenuItem item,
                           Action action,
                           boolean popup)
Attaches menu item to an action. You can supply an alternative implementation for this method by implementing method Actions.ButtonActionConnector.connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean) and registering an instance of Actions.ButtonActionConnector in the default lookup.

item - menu item
action - action
popup - create popup or menu item


public static void connect(JCheckBoxMenuItem item,
                           BooleanStateAction action,
                           boolean popup)
Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action.

item - menu item
action - action
popup - create popup or menu item


public static void connect(AbstractButton button,
                           SystemAction action)
Deprecated. Use connect(AbstractButton, Action) instead.

Connects buttons to action.

button - the button
action - the action


public static void connect(AbstractButton button,
                           Action action)
Connects buttons to action. If the action supplies value for "iconBase" key from getValue(String) with a path to icons the methods setIcon, setPressedIcon, setDisabledIcon and setRolloverIcon will be called on the button with loaded icons using the iconBase. E.g. if the value for "iconBase" will be "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif" following images will be tried "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif" for setIcon, "com/mycompany/myIcon_pressed.gif" for setPressedIcon, "com/mycompany/myIcon_disabled.gif" for setDisabledIcon and "com/mycompany/myIcon_rollover.gif" for setRolloverIcon. SystemAction has special support for iconBase - please check SystemAction.iconResource() for more details. You can supply an alternative implementation for this method by implementing method Actions.ButtonActionConnector.connect(AbstractButton, Action) and registering an instance of Actions.ButtonActionConnector in the default lookup.

button - the button
action - the action


public static void connect(AbstractButton button,
                           BooleanStateAction action)
Connects buttons to action.

button - the button
action - the action


public static void setMenuText(AbstractButton item,
                               String text,
                               boolean useMnemonic)
Deprecated. Use either AbstractButton.setText(java.lang.String) or Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String) as appropriate.

Sets the text for the menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton. Cut from the name '&' char.

item - AbstractButton
text - new label
useMnemonic - if true and '&' char found in new text, next char is used as Mnemonic.


public static String cutAmpersand(String text)
Removes an ampersand from a text string; commonly used to strip out unneeded mnemonics. Replaces the first occurence of &? by ? or (&?? by the empty string where ? is a wildcard for any character. &? is a shortcut in English locale. (&?) is a shortcut in Japanese locale. Used to remove shortcuts from workspace names (or similar) when shortcuts are not supported.

The current implementation behaves in the same way regardless of locale. In case of a conflict it would be necessary to change the behavior based on the current locale.

text - a localized label that may have mnemonic information in it
string without first & if there was any

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.