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Mnemonics (UI Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Class Mnemonics

  extended by org.openide.awt.Mnemonics

public final class Mnemonics
extends Object

Support class for setting button, menu, and label text strings with mnemonics.

See Also:
Issue #26640

Method Summary
static int findMnemonicAmpersand(String text)
          Searches for an ampersand in a string which indicates a mnemonic.
static void setLocalizedText(AbstractButton item, String text)
          Sets the text for a menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton.
static void setLocalizedText(JLabel item, String text)
          Sets the text for the label or other subclass of JLabel.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void setLocalizedText(AbstractButton item,
                                    String text)
Sets the text for a menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton.


Input String View under JDK 1.4 or later
Save &As Save As
Rock & Roll Rock & Roll
Drag & &Drop Drag & Drop
&Файл Файл

item - a button whose text will be changed
text - new label


public static void setLocalizedText(JLabel item,
                                    String text)
Sets the text for the label or other subclass of JLabel. For details see setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String).

item - a label whose text will be set
text - new label


public static int findMnemonicAmpersand(String text)
Searches for an ampersand in a string which indicates a mnemonic. Recognizes the following cases:
  • "Drag & Drop", "Ampersand ('&')" - don't have mnemonic ampersand. "&" is not found before " " (space), or if enclosed in "'" (single quotation marks).
  • "&File", "Save &As..." - do have mnemonic ampersand.
  • "Rock & Ro&ll", "Underline the '&' &character" - also do have mnemonic ampersand, but the second one.
  • "<html><b>R&amp;D</b> departmen&t" - has mnemonic ampersand before "t". Ampersands in HTML texts that are part of entity are ignored.

text - text to search
the position of mnemonic ampersand in text, or -1 if there is none

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.