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LanguageHierarchy (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class LanguageHierarchy<T extends TokenId>

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LanguageHierarchy<T>

public abstract class LanguageHierarchy<T extends TokenId>
extends Object

Definition of a language, its lexer and its embedded languages.
It's a mirror of Language on SPI level containing additional information necessary for the lexer infrastructure operation.
The language hierarchies should be implemented by SPI providers and their languages should be given for public use (language hierarchy classes do not need to be public though).
A typical situation may look like this:

 public enum MyTokenId implements TokenId {

     ERROR(null, "error"),
     IDENTIFIER(null, "identifier"),
     ABSTRACT("abstract", "keyword"),
     SEMICOLON(";", "separator"),

     private final String fixedText; // Used by lexer for production of flyweight tokens

     private final String primaryCategory;

     MyTokenId(String fixedText, String primaryCategory) {
         this.fixedText = fixedText;
         this.primaryCategory = primaryCategory;

     public String fixedText() {
         return fixedText;

     public String primaryCategory() {
         return primaryCategory;

     private static final Language<MyTokenId> language = new LanguageHierarchy<MyTokenId>() {
         protected String mimeType() {
             return "text/x-my";

         protected Collection<MyTokenId> createTokenIds() {
             return EnumSet.allOf(MyTokenId.class);

         protected Lexer<MyTokenId> createLexer(LexerInput input, TokenFactory<MyTokenId> tokenFactory, Object state) {
             return new MyLexer(input, tokenFactory, state);


     public static Language<MyTokenId> language() {
         return language;


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  CharPreprocessor createCharPreprocessor()
          Create character preprocessor that translates certain character sequences into characters (for example Unicode escape sequences).
protected abstract  Lexer<T> createLexer(LexerRestartInfo<T> info)
          Create lexer prepared for returning tokens from subsequent calls to Lexer.nextToken().
protected  Map<String,Collection<T>> createTokenCategories()
          Provide map of token category names to collection of its members.
protected abstract  Collection<T> createTokenIds()
          Provide a collection of token ids that comprise the language.
protected  TokenValidator<T> createTokenValidator(T tokenId)
          Create token validator for the given token id.
protected  LanguageEmbedding<? extends TokenId> embedding(Token<T> token, LanguagePath languagePath, InputAttributes inputAttributes)
          Get language embedding (if exists) for a particular token of the language at this level of language hierarchy.
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Enforce default implementation of equals().
 int hashCode()
          Enforce default implementation of hashCode().
protected  boolean isRetainTokenText(T tokenId)
          Determine whether the text of the token with the particular id should be retained after the token has been removed from the token list because of the underlying mutable input source modification.
 Language<T> language()
          Get language constructed for this language hierarchy based on token ids and token categories provided.
protected abstract  String mimeType()
          Gets the mime type of the language constructed from this language hierarchy.
static TokenId newId(String name, int ordinal)
          Create a default token id instance in case the token ids are generated (not created by enum class).
static TokenId newId(String name, int ordinal, String primaryCategory)
          Create a default token id instance in case the token ids are generated (not created by enum class).
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LanguageHierarchy()
Method Detail


public static TokenId newId(String name,
                            int ordinal)
Create a default token id instance in case the token ids are generated (not created by enum class).


public static TokenId newId(String name,
                            int ordinal,
                            String primaryCategory)
Create a default token id instance in case the token ids are generated (not created by enum class).


protected abstract Collection<T> createTokenIds()
Provide a collection of token ids that comprise the language.
If token ids are defined as enums then this method should simply return EnumSet.allOf(MyTokenId.class).

This method is only called once by the infrastructure (when constructing language) so it does not need to cache its result.
This method is called in synchronized section. If its implementation would use any synchronization a care must be taken to prevent deadlocks.

non-null collection of TokenId instances.


protected Map<String,Collection<T>> createTokenCategories()
Provide map of token category names to collection of its members.
The results of this method will be merged with the primary-category information found in token ids.
This method is only called once by the infrastructure (when constructing language) so it does not need to cache its result.
This method is called in synchronized section. If its implementation would use any synchronization a care must be taken to prevent deadlocks.

There is a convention that the category names should only consist of lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens.

mapping of category name to collection of its ids. It may return null to signal no mappings.


protected abstract Lexer<T> createLexer(LexerRestartInfo<T> info)
Create lexer prepared for returning tokens from subsequent calls to Lexer.nextToken().

info - non-null lexer restart info containing the information necessary for lexer restarting.


protected abstract String mimeType()
Gets the mime type of the language constructed from this language hierarchy.

non-null language's mime type.
See Also:


protected LanguageEmbedding<? extends TokenId> embedding(Token<T> token,
                                                         LanguagePath languagePath,
                                                         InputAttributes inputAttributes)
Get language embedding (if exists) for a particular token of the language at this level of language hierarchy.
This method will only be called if the given token instance will not be flyweight token or token with custom text: token.isFlyweight() == false && token.isCustomText() == false
That restriction exists because the children token list is constructed lazily and the infrastructure needs to access the token's parent token list which would not be possible if the token would be flyweight.

token - non-null token for which the language embedding will be resolved.
The token may have a zero length (Token.length() == 0) in case the language infrastructure performs a poll for all embedded languages for the
languagePath - non-null language path at which the language embedding is being created. It may be used for obtaining appropriate information from inputAttributes.
inputAttributes - input attributes that could affect the embedding creation. It may be null if there are no extra attributes.
language embedding instance or null if there is no language embedding for this token.


protected CharPreprocessor createCharPreprocessor()
Create character preprocessor that translates certain character sequences into characters (for example Unicode escape sequences).

valid preprocessor or null if there is no extra preprocessor.


protected TokenValidator<T> createTokenValidator(T tokenId)
Create token validator for the given token id.

tokenId - token id for which the token validator should be returned.
valid token validator or null if there is no validator for the given token id.


protected boolean isRetainTokenText(T tokenId)
Determine whether the text of the token with the particular id should be retained after the token has been removed from the token list because of the underlying mutable input source modification.
Token.text() will continue to return the value that it had right before the token's removal.
This may be useful if the tokens are held directly in parse trees and the parser queries the tokens for text.

Retaining text in the tokens has performance and memory implications and should only be done selectively for tokens where it's desired (such as identifiers).
The extra performance and memory penalty only happens during token's removal from the token list for the given input. Token creation performance and memory consumption during token's lifetime stay unaffected.

Retaining will only work if the input source is capable of providing the removed text right after the modification has been performed.

true if the text should be retained or false if not.


public final Language<T> language()
Get language constructed for this language hierarchy based on token ids and token categories provided.

non-null language.


public final int hashCode()
Enforce default implementation of hashCode().

hashCode in class Object


public final boolean equals(Object o)
Enforce default implementation of equals().

equals in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.