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CharPreprocessor (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class CharPreprocessor

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.lexer.CharPreprocessor

public abstract class CharPreprocessor
extends Object

Character preprocessor allows to translate a sequence of characters to a single character so it may be used for example for Unicode sequences translation.
If there are any preprocessed characters for a particular token then a special token instance get created that provides the preprocessed chars.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static CharPreprocessor createUnicodeEscapesPreprocessor()
          Create instance of character preprocessor for Unicode escape sequences.
protected  void inputBackup(int count)
          Backup a given number of input characters.
protected  int inputRead()
          Read a single character for preprocessing from the underlying input.
protected abstract  boolean isSensitiveChar(char ch)
          Check whether the given character may be part of the sequences preprocessed by this preprocessor.
protected abstract  int maxLookahead()
          Return maximum number of extra characters (not being part of the recognized sequence) that this preprocessor may look ahead in order to recognize the preprocessed character sequence.
protected  void notifyError(String errorMessage)
          Notify the error that occurred during preprocessing of the current character.
protected  void outputOriginal(int ch)
          Output the character as it was read from the input.
protected  void outputPreprocessed(char ch, int extraInputLength)
          Output preprocessed character.
protected abstract  void preprocessChar()
          Preprocess at least one character of the input.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CharPreprocessor()
Method Detail


public static CharPreprocessor createUnicodeEscapesPreprocessor()
Create instance of character preprocessor for Unicode escape sequences.


protected abstract void preprocessChar()
Preprocess at least one character of the input.
Preprocessor must always preprocess at least one input character per invocation but only a minimum necessary number of characters should be preprocessed by each invocation of this method.


   public void preprocessChar() {
     switch (ch = inputRead()) {
       case '\\': // possible start of sequence
         switch (ch = inputRead()) {
           case 'u': // start of escape sequence
             ... // read the whole sequence
             outputPreprocessed(prepCh, extraInputLength);

The processor is only designed to do several-chars-to-one translation.
It is not designed to return more than one character for a single input char.
Also if the character is really preprocessed it must be composed from at least two input characters (see extraInputLength parameter of outputPreprocessed(char, int).

The preprocessor must be able to process all the characters given to it on input. However it should not preprocess EOF in any way - the EOF is just information that there is an end of the input and any possibly unfinished escape sequence needs to be translated in a reasonable way.
Once all the characters prior EOF were preprocessed the EOF should be returned by outputOriginal(int).


protected abstract boolean isSensitiveChar(char ch)
Check whether the given character may be part of the sequences preprocessed by this preprocessor.
The infrastructure may use this method to test whether it can start relexing starting at a particular position.


protected abstract int maxLookahead()
Return maximum number of extra characters (not being part of the recognized sequence) that this preprocessor may look ahead in order to recognize the preprocessed character sequence.
For example for unicode escape sequences the returned number is 1 (see UnicodeEscapesPreprocessor implementation for details).


protected final int inputRead()
Read a single character for preprocessing from the underlying input.

valid character or LexerInput.EOF if there are no more characters available on the input.


protected final void inputBackup(int count)
Backup a given number of input characters.

count - >=0 number of chars to backup.


protected final void outputOriginal(int ch)
Output the character as it was read from the input.
By using this method the infrastructure knows that the character is the same like the original character read by inputRead().


protected final void outputPreprocessed(char ch,
                                        int extraInputLength)
Output preprocessed character. There is usually more than one input character forming a single preprocessed character.

ch - preprocessed character.
extraInputLength - >0 number of extra input characters (besides a single character) that form the preprocessed character.
For example for unicode escape sequence " " it's 6-1=5.
The number is expected to be greater than zero (otherwise the present implementation would not work correctly). which should be fine for the known implementations (if not please request an API change).


protected final void notifyError(String errorMessage)
Notify the error that occurred during preprocessing of the current character.

errorMessage - non-null error description.

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.