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LexerInput (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class LexerInput

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LexerInput

public final class LexerInput
extends Object

Provides characters to feed the Lexer. It logically corresponds to java.io.Reader but its read() method does not throw any checked exception.
It allows to backup one or more characters that were already read by read() so that they can be re-read again later.
It supports viewing of the previously read characters as java.lang.CharSequence by readText(int, int).

The LexerInput can only be used safely by a single thread.

The following picture shows an example of java identifier recognition:


Field Summary
static int EOF
          Integer constant -1 returned by read() to signal that there are no more characters available on input.
Method Summary
 void backup(int count)
          Undo last count of read() operations.
 boolean consumeNewline()
          Read the next character and check whether it's '\n' and if not backup it (otherwise leave it consumed).
static Integer integerState(int state)
          Lexer may call this method to get cached java.lang.Integer instance.
 int read()
          Read a single character from input or return EOF.
 int readLength()
          Get distance between the current reading point and the begining of a token being currently recognized (excluding possibly read EOF).
 int readLengthEOF()
          Read length that includes EOF as a single character if it was just read from this input.
 CharSequence readText()
          Return the read text for all the characters consumed from the input for the current token recognition.
 CharSequence readText(int start, int end)
          Get character sequence that corresponds to characters that were read by previous read() operations in the current token.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int EOF
Integer constant -1 returned by read() to signal that there are no more characters available on input.
It cannot be a part of any token's text but it is counted as a single character in backup(int) operations.
Translates to 0xFFFF when casted to char.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public int read()
Read a single character from input or return EOF.

valid character from input or EOF when there are no more characters available on input. It's allowed to repeat the reads once EOF was returned - all of them will return EOF.


public void backup(int count)
Undo last count of read() operations.
The operation moves back read-offset (from which read() reads characters) so that subsequent read operations will re-read the characters that were backed up.
If EOF was returned by read() then it will count as a single character in the backup operation (even if returned multiple times) i.e backup(1) will undo reading of (previously read) EOF.


   // backup last character that was read - either regular char or EOF

   // Backup all characters read during recognition of current token

count - >=0 amount of characters to return back to the input.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case the count > readLengthEOF().


public int readLength()
Get distance between the current reading point and the begining of a token being currently recognized (excluding possibly read EOF).

>=0 number of characters obtained from the input by subsequent read() operations since the last token was returned. The backup(int) operations with positive argument decrease that value while those with negative argument increase it.

Once a token gets created by TokenFactory.createToken(TokenId) the value returned by readLength() becomes zero.
If EOF was read then it is not counted into read length.


public int readLengthEOF()
Read length that includes EOF as a single character if it was just read from this input.


public CharSequence readText(int start,
                             int end)
Get character sequence that corresponds to characters that were read by previous read() operations in the current token.

   private static final Map kwdStr2id = new HashMap();

   static {
       String[] keywords = new String[] { "private", "protected", ... };
       TokenId[] ids = new TokenId[] { JavaLanguage.PRIVATE, JavaLanguage.PROTECTED, ... };
       for (int i = keywords.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
           kwdStr2id.put(keywords[i], ids[i]);
   public Token nextToken() {
       ... read characters of identifier/keyword by lexerInput.read() ...

       // Now decide between keyword or identifier
       CharSequence text = lexerInput.readText(0, lexerInput.readLength());
       TokenId id = (TokenId)kwdStr2id.get(text);
       return (id != null) ? id : JavaLanguage.IDENTIFIER;


If EOF was previously returned by read() then it will not be a part of the returned charcter sequence (it also does not count into readLength().

Subsequent invocations of this method are cheap as the returned CharSequence instance is reused and just reinitialized.

start - >=0 and =<readLength() is the starting index of the character sequence in the previously read characters.
end - >=start and =<readLength() is the starting index of the character sequence in the previously read characters.
character sequence corresponding to read characters.

The returned character sequence is only valid until any of read(), backup(), createToken() or another readText() is called.

The length() of the returned character sequence will be equal to the end - start.
The hashCode() method of the returned character sequence works in the same way like String.hashCode().
The equals() method attempts to cast the compared object to CharSequence and compare the lengths and if they match then compare every character of the given character sequence i.e. the same way like String.equals() works.

IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case the parameters are not in the required bounds.


public CharSequence readText()
Return the read text for all the characters consumed from the input for the current token recognition.


public boolean consumeNewline()
Read the next character and check whether it's '\n' and if not backup it (otherwise leave it consumed).

This method is useful in the following scenario:

  switch (ch) {
      case 'x':
      case 'y':
      case '\r': input.consumeNewline();
      case '\n':
          // Line separator recognized

true if newline was consumed or false otherwise.


public static Integer integerState(int state)
Lexer may call this method to get cached java.lang.Integer instance.
The caching is only guaranteed if the given int value is below or equal to certain value - the present implementation uses 127.
If the value is above this constant a new value will be constructed during each call. In such case the clients could possibly implement their own caching.

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.