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TokenFactory (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class TokenFactory<T extends TokenId>

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.lexer.TokenFactory<T>

public final class TokenFactory<T extends TokenId>
extends Object

Lexer should delegate all the token instances creation to this class.
It's not allowed to create empty tokens.

Field Summary
static Token SKIP_TOKEN
          Token instance that should be returned by the lexer if there is an active filtering of certain token ids and the just recognized token-id should be skipped.
Method Summary
 Token<T> createCustomTextToken(T id, CharSequence text, int length, PartType partType)
          Create token with a custom text that possibly differs from the text represented by the token in the input text.
 Token<T> createPropertyToken(T id, int length, TokenPropertyProvider propertyProvider, PartType partType)
          Create token with properties.
 Token<T> createToken(T id)
          Create token with token length corresponding to the number of characters read from the lexer input.
 Token<T> createToken(T id, int length)
          Create regular token instance with an explicit length.
 Token<T> createToken(T id, int length, PartType partType)
          Create regular token instance with an explicit length and part type.
 Token<T> getFlyweightToken(T id, String text)
          Get flyweight token for the given arguments.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Token SKIP_TOKEN
Token instance that should be returned by the lexer if there is an active filtering of certain token ids and the just recognized token-id should be skipped.

Method Detail


public Token<T> createToken(T id)
Create token with token length corresponding to the number of characters read from the lexer input.

See Also:
createToken(TokenId, int)


public Token<T> createToken(T id,
                            int length)
Create regular token instance with an explicit length.

id - non-null token id recognized by the lexer.
length - >=0 length of the token to be created. The length must not exceed the number of characters read from the lexer input.
non-null regular token instance.
If there were any characters preprocessed by CharPreprocessor then a special token instance will be created for it.
SKIP_TOKEN will be returned if tokens for the given token id should be skipped because of token id filter.


public Token<T> createToken(T id,
                            int length,
                            PartType partType)
Create regular token instance with an explicit length and part type.

id - non-null token id recognized by the lexer.
length - >=0 length of the token to be created. The length must not exceed the number of characters read from the lexer input.
partType - whether this token is complete token or a part of a complete token.
non-null regular token instance.
If there were any characters preprocessed by CharPreprocessor then a special token instance will be created for it.
SKIP_TOKEN will be returned if tokens for the given token id should be skipped because of token id filter.


public Token<T> getFlyweightToken(T id,
                                  String text)
Get flyweight token for the given arguments.
Note: The returned token will not be flyweight under certain conditions - see return value description.

id - non-null token id.
text - non-null text that the flyweight token should carry.
non-null flyweight token instance.
If there were any characters preprocessed by CharPreprocessor then a special non-flyweight token instance will be created for it.
For performance reasons there is a limit for number of successive flyweight tokens. If this limit would be exceeded a single non-flyweight token gets created instead of flyweight one.
SKIP_TOKEN will be returned if tokens for the given token id should be skipped because of token id filter.


public Token<T> createPropertyToken(T id,
                                    int length,
                                    TokenPropertyProvider propertyProvider,
                                    PartType partType)
Create token with properties.

id - non-null token id.
length - >=0 length of the token to be created. The length must not exceed the number of characters read from the lexer input.
propertyProvider - non-null token property provider.
partType - whether this token is complete or just a part of complete token. See TokenPropertyProvider for examples how this parameter may be used.
non-null property token instance.
If there were any characters preprocessed by CharPreprocessor then a special token instance will be created for it.
SKIP_TOKEN will be returned if tokens for the given token id should be skipped because of token id filter.


public Token<T> createCustomTextToken(T id,
                                      CharSequence text,
                                      int length,
                                      PartType partType)
Create token with a custom text that possibly differs from the text represented by the token in the input text.

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.