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Language (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class Language<T extends TokenId>

  extended by org.netbeans.api.lexer.Language<T>

public final class Language<T extends TokenId>
extends Object

Language describes a set of token ids that comprise the given language.
Each language corresponds to a certain mime-type.
An input source may be lexed by using an existing language - see TokenHierarchy which is an entry point into the Lexer API.
Language hierarchy is represented by an unmodifiable set of TokenIds that can be retrieved by tokenIds() and token categories tokenCategories().

The language cannot be instantiated directly.
Instead it should be obtained from LanguageHierarchy.language() on an existing language hierarchy.

See Also:
LanguageHierarchy, TokenId

Method Summary
 String dumpInfo()
          Dump list of token ids for this language into string.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          The languages are equal only if they are the same objects.
static Language<? extends TokenId> find(String mimePath)
          Finds a language by its mime type.
 int hashCode()
          The hashCode of the language is the identity hashCode.
 int maxOrdinal()
          Get maximum ordinal of all the token ids that this language contains.
 Set<T> merge(Collection<T> tokenIds1, Collection<T> tokenIds2)
          Merge two collections of token ids from this language into an efficient indexed set (the implementation similar to EnumSet).
 String mimeType()
          Gets the mime type of this language.
 List<String> nonPrimaryTokenCategories(T tokenId)
          Get list of non-primary token categories (not containing the primary category) for the particular token id.
 Set<String> tokenCategories()
          Get names of all token categories of this language.
 List<String> tokenCategories(T tokenId)
          Get list of all token categories for the particular token id.
 Set<T> tokenCategoryMembers(String tokenCategory)
          Get members of the category with given name.
 T tokenId(int ordinal)
          Get tokenId for the given ordinal.
 T tokenId(String name)
          Find the tokenId from its name.
 Set<T> tokenIds()
          Get unmodifiable set of ids contained in this language.
 String toString()
 T validTokenId(int ordinal)
          Similar to tokenId(int) however it guarantees that it will always return non-null tokenId.
 T validTokenId(String name)
          Similar to tokenId(String) but guarantees a valid tokenId to be returned.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Language<? extends TokenId> find(String mimePath)
Finds a language by its mime type.

This method uses information from LanguageProviders registered in the default lookup to find Language for a given mime path.

Netbeans provide an implementation of LanguageProvider that reads data from the Editors folder on the system filesystem. Therefore Netbeans modules can register their Languages in MimeLookup as any other mime-type related service.

Since this method takes mimePath as a parameter it is possible to look up Language registered for a mime type that is embedded in some other mime type (i.e. the nesting can go any number of levels deep). In reality, however, there is usually no difference between a language, which uses its own file and the same language embedded in some other language's file (e.g. there is no difference between java language in hello.java and a java scriplet in goodbye.jsp). Therefore Languages are usually registered only for top level mime types and if a language can be embedded in another language the embedded language is referenced by its top level mime type.

mimePath - The mime path of the language you want to find.
The Language of the language registered for the given mimePath.


public Set<T> tokenIds()
Get unmodifiable set of ids contained in this language.
An iterator over the set returns the ids sorted by their ordinals.

unmodifiable set of ids contained in this language.


public T tokenId(int ordinal)
Get tokenId for the given ordinal. This method can be used by lexers to quickly translate ordinal to tokenId.

ordinal - ordinal to be translated to corresponding tokenId.
valid tokenId or null if there's no corresponding tokenId for the given int-id. It's possible because intIds of the language's token ids do not need to be continuous. If the ordinal is <0 or higher than the highest ordinal of all the token ids of this language the method throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the ordinal is <0 or higher than maxOrdinal().


public T validTokenId(int ordinal)
Similar to tokenId(int) however it guarantees that it will always return non-null tokenId. Typically for a lexer just being developed it's possible that there are some integer token ids defined in the generated lexer for which there is no correspondence in the language. The lexer wrapper should always call this method if it expects to find a valid counterpart for given integer id.

ordinal - ordinal to translate to token id.
always non-null tokenId that corresponds to the given integer id.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the ordinal is <0 or higher than maxOrdinal() or when there is no corresponding token id for it.


public T tokenId(String name)
Find the tokenId from its name.

name - name of the tokenId to find.
tokenId with the requested name or null if it does not exist.


public T validTokenId(String name)
Similar to tokenId(String) but guarantees a valid tokenId to be returned.

IllegalArgumentException - if no token in this language has the given name.


public int maxOrdinal()
Get maximum ordinal of all the token ids that this language contains.

maximum integer ordinal of all the token ids that this language contains or -1 if the language contains no token ids.


public Set<String> tokenCategories()
Get names of all token categories of this language.

unmodifiable set containing names of all token categories contained in this language.


public Set<T> tokenCategoryMembers(String tokenCategory)
Get members of the category with given name.

tokenCategory - non-null name of the category.
set of token ids belonging to the given category.


public List<String> tokenCategories(T tokenId)
Get list of all token categories for the particular token id.

non-null unmodifiable list of all token categories for the particular token id.
Primary token's category (if defined for the token id) will be contained as first one in the list.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given token id does not belong to this language.


public List<String> nonPrimaryTokenCategories(T tokenId)
Get list of non-primary token categories (not containing the primary category) for the particular token id.
If the token id has no primary category defined then the result of this method is equal to tokenCategories(TokenId).

non-null unmodifiable list of secondary token categories for the particular token id. Primary token's category (if defined for the token id) will not be contained in the list.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given token id does not belong to this language.


public Set<T> merge(Collection<T> tokenIds1,
                    Collection<T> tokenIds2)
Merge two collections of token ids from this language into an efficient indexed set (the implementation similar to EnumSet).

tokenIds1 - non-null collection of token ids to be contained in the returned set.
tokenIds2 - collection of token ids to be contained in the returned set.
set of token ids indexed by their ordinal number.


public String mimeType()
Gets the mime type of this language.

non-null language's mime type.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
The languages are equal only if they are the same objects.

equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
The hashCode of the language is the identity hashCode.

hashCode in class Object


public String dumpInfo()
Dump list of token ids for this language into string.

dump of contents of this language.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.