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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.editor.TokenItem (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TokenItem
org.netbeans.editor.ext Completion Design View 

Uses of TokenItem in org.netbeans.editor

Classes in org.netbeans.editor that implement TokenItem
static class TokenItem.AbstractItem
          Abstract implementation that doesn't contain chaining methods.
static class TokenItem.FilterItem
          Implementation useful for delegation.

Fields in org.netbeans.editor declared as TokenItem
protected  TokenItem TokenItem.FilterItem.delegate

Methods in org.netbeans.editor that return TokenItem
 TokenItem TokenItem.getNext()
          Get next token-item in the text.
 TokenItem TokenItem.FilterItem.getNext()
 TokenItem TokenItem.getPrevious()
          Get previous token-item in the text.
 TokenItem TokenItem.FilterItem.getPrevious()
 TokenItem SyntaxSupport.getTokenChain(int offset)
          Get the member of the chain of the tokens for the given document position.
 TokenItem MarkFactory.SyntaxMark.getTokenItem()

Constructors in org.netbeans.editor with parameters of type TokenItem
TokenItem.FilterItem(TokenItem delegate)

Uses of TokenItem in org.netbeans.editor.ext

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext that return TokenItem
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findAnyToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID[] tokenIDArray, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, boolean backward)
          Search for any of the image tokens from the given array and return if the token matches any item from the array.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.findFirstToken(TokenItem token)
          Find the first token in the chain.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.findFirstToken(TokenItem token)
          Get the first token in chain.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findImportantToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, boolean backward)
          Find the first non-whitespace and non-comment token in the given direction.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findMatchingToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, ImageTokenID matchTokenID, boolean backward)
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findMatchingToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID matchTokenID, String matchTokenImage, boolean backward)
          This method can be used to find a matching brace token.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem token, boolean backward)
          Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem token, boolean backward)
          Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage, boolean backward)
          Find the token either by token-id or token-text or both.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.getLastToken()
          Get the last token in the chain.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.getLastToken()
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.getPreviousToken(TokenItem token)
          Get the previous token or last token if the argument is null.
 TokenItem FormatTokenPosition.getToken()
          Get the token-item in which the position resides.
 TokenItem ExtSyntaxSupport.getTokenChain(int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Get the chain of the tokens for the given block of text.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.insertImageToken(TokenItem beforeToken, ImageTokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath)
          Insert the token that has token-id containing image, so additional text is not necessary.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Create a new token-item and insert it before the token-item given as parameter.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the end of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the start of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext with parameters of type TokenItem
 boolean FormatWriter.canInsertToken(TokenItem beforeToken)
          Check whether a new token can be inserted into the chain before the given token-item.
 boolean FormatSupport.canInsertToken(TokenItem beforeToken)
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 boolean FormatWriter.canModifyToken(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Whether the token can be modified either by insertion or removal at the given offset.
 boolean FormatSupport.canModifyWhitespace(TokenItem inToken)
          Check whether the given token enables modifying of a whitespace in it.
 boolean FormatWriter.canRemoveToken(TokenItem token)
          Whether the token-item can be removed.
 boolean FormatSupport.canRemoveToken(TokenItem token)
          Whether the token-item can be removed.
 boolean FormatSupport.canReplaceToken(TokenItem token)
          Whether the given token can be replaced or not.
 boolean FormatWriter.canSplitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength)
 boolean FormatWriter.canSplitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength)
 String FormatWriter.chainToString(TokenItem token)
 String FormatSupport.chainToString(TokenItem token)
          Debug the current state of the chain.
 String FormatWriter.chainToString(TokenItem token, int maxDocumentTokens)
          Debug the current state of the chain.
 String FormatSupport.chainToString(TokenItem token, int maxDocumentTokens)
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findAnyToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID[] tokenIDArray, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, boolean backward)
          Search for any of the image tokens from the given array and return if the token matches any item from the array.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.findFirstToken(TokenItem token)
          Find the first token in the chain.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.findFirstToken(TokenItem token)
          Get the first token in chain.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findImportantToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, boolean backward)
          Find the first non-whitespace and non-comment token in the given direction.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findMatchingToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, ImageTokenID matchTokenID, boolean backward)
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findMatchingToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID matchTokenID, String matchTokenImage, boolean backward)
          This method can be used to find a matching brace token.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem token, boolean backward)
          Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem token, boolean backward)
          Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage, boolean backward)
          Find the token either by token-id or token-text or both.
 int ExtFormatSupport.getIndex(TokenItem token, TokenID[] tokenIDArray)
          Get the index of the token in the given token-id-and-text array or -1 if the token is not in the array.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the next position of the position given by parameters.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Get the token position that corresponds to the given token and offset.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatWriter.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position that corresponds to the given offset inside the given token.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the previous position of the position given by parameters.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.getPreviousToken(TokenItem token)
          Get the previous token or last token if the argument is null.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.insertImageToken(TokenItem beforeToken, ImageTokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath)
          Insert the token that has token-id containing image, so additional text is not necessary.
 void FormatSupport.insertSpaces(TokenItem beforeToken, int spaceCount)
 void FormatWriter.insertString(TokenItem token, int offset, String text)
          Insert the text at the offset inside the given token.
 void FormatSupport.insertString(TokenItem token, int offset, String text)
 TokenItem FormatWriter.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Create a new token-item and insert it before the token-item given as parameter.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 boolean FormatWriter.isAfter(TokenItem testedToken, TokenItem afterToken)
          It checks whether the tested token is after some other token in the chain.
 boolean FormatSupport.isAfter(TokenItem testedToken, TokenItem afterToken)
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isComment(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Is the given token a comment token? By default it returns false but it can be redefined in descendants.
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isImportant(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Whether the given position is not a whitespace or comment.
 boolean FormatSupport.isWhitespace(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Decide whether the character at the given offset in the given token is whitespace.
 void FormatWriter.remove(TokenItem token, int offset, int length)
          Remove the length of the characters at the given offset inside the given token.
 void FormatSupport.remove(TokenItem token, int offset, int length)
 void FormatWriter.removeToken(TokenItem token)
          Remove the token-item from the chain.
 void FormatSupport.removeToken(TokenItem token)
          Remove the token-item from the chain.
 void FormatSupport.removeTokenChain(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem endToken)
          Remove all the tokens between start and end token inclusive.
 void FormatSupport.replaceToken(TokenItem originalToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Replace the given token with the new token.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the end of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the start of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
 boolean FormatSupport.tokenEquals(TokenItem compareToken, TokenID withTokenID)
          Compare token-id of the compare-token with the given token-id.
 boolean FormatSupport.tokenEquals(TokenItem compareToken, TokenID withTokenID, TokenContextPath withTokenContextPath)
          Compare token-id of the compare-token with the given token-id and token-context-path.
 boolean FormatSupport.tokenEquals(TokenItem compareToken, TokenID withTokenID, TokenContextPath withTokenContextPath, String withTokenImage)
          Compare token-id of the compare-token with the given token-id and given token-text.

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