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Uses of Class org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.Widget (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use Widget
org.netbeans.api.visual.action This package contains ActionFactory class which is factory of all built-in widget-actions provided by the library. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor This package contains Anchor interface which is used by ConnectionWidget for defining its source and target point. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.animator This package contains SceneAnimator classes which is used for controlling animations on a scene. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.graph This package contains built-in graph-oriented models. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.layout This package contains Layout interface which defines a widget-layout. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.model This package contains ObjectScene class which is a scene with ability to register model-objects with widgets on the scene. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd This package contains a VMD visualization style. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.widget This package contains Widget class. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general This package contains general high-level widgets. 

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.action

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.action that return Widget
 Widget RectangularSelectDecorator.createSelectionWidget()
          Creates a widget which will be resized and placed into a scene and will represent the rectangular selection.
abstract  Widget WidgetAction.State.getLockedWidget()
          Returns whether (and by which widget) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.
 Widget ReconnectProvider.resolveReplacementWidget(Scene scene, Point sceneLocation)
          Called to find the replacement widget of a possible connection.
 Widget ConnectProvider.resolveTargetWidget(Scene scene, Point sceneLocation)
          Called to find the target widget of a possible connection.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.action with parameters of type Widget
 void AcceptProvider.accept(Widget widget, Point point, Transferable transferable)
          Handles the drop of a transferable.
 Rectangle ResizeStrategy.boundsSuggested(Widget widget, Rectangle originalBounds, Rectangle suggestedBounds, ResizeProvider.ControlPoint controlPoint)
          Called after an user suggests a new boundary and before the suggested boundary is stored to a specified widget.
 void ConnectProvider.createConnection(Widget sourceWidget, Widget targetWidget)
          Called for creating a new connection between a specified source and target widget.
 C InplaceEditorProvider.createEditorComponent(InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController controller, Widget widget)
          Creates an in-place editor component for a specified widget.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createForwardKeyEventsAction(Widget forwardToWidget, String forwardToTool)
          This action is used for forwarding key events to another widget.
static WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.State.createLocked(Widget lockedWidget, WidgetAction lockedAction)
          Creates a state that means: The event is processed and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it).
 Anchor ReconnectDecorator.createReplacementWidgetAnchor(Widget replacementWidget)
          Creates an anchor for a specified replacement widget (of a connection source or target which is going to be reconnected).
 Anchor ConnectDecorator.createSourceAnchor(Widget sourceWidget)
          Creates a source anchor for a specified source widget.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createSwitchCardAction(Widget cardLayoutWidget)
          Creates a switch card action with controls an active card of a widget where a card layout is used.
 Anchor ConnectDecorator.createTargetAnchor(Widget targetWidget)
          Creates a target anchor for a specified target widget.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.dragEnter(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragEnter event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.dragEnter(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragEnter event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.dragEnter(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragEnter event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.dragEnter(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragEnter event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.dragExit(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragExit event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.dragExit(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragExit event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.dragExit(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragExit event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.dragExit(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragExit event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.dragOver(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragOver event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.dragOver(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragOver event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.dragOver(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragOver event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.dragOver(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dragOver event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.drop(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDropEvent event)
          Called for handling a drop event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.drop(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDropEvent event)
          Called for handling a drop event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.drop(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDropEvent event)
          Called for handling a drop event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.drop(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDropEvent event)
          Called for handling a drop event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.dropActionChanged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dropActionChanged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.dropActionChanged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dropActionChanged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.dropActionChanged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dropActionChanged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.dropActionChanged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent event)
          Called for handling a dropActionChanged event.
 void EditProvider.edit(Widget widget)
          Called when an editing is invoked by an user on a specified widget.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.focusGained(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusGained event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.focusGained(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusGained event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.focusGained(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusGained event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.focusGained(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusGained event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.focusLost(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusLost event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.focusLost(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusLost event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.focusLost(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusLost event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.focusLost(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent event)
          Called for handling a focusLost event.
 EnumSet<InplaceEditorProvider.ExpansionDirection> InplaceEditorProvider.getExpansionDirections(InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController controller, Widget widget, C editor)
          Called to obtain directions where an editor component can expand to.
 Rectangle InplaceEditorProvider.getInitialEditorComponentBounds(InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController controller, Widget widget, C editor, Rectangle viewBounds)
          Called to obtain the initial boundary editor component in view coordination system.
 Point MoveProvider.getOriginalLocation(Widget widget)
          Called to acquire a origin location against which the movement will be calculated.
 JPopupMenu PopupMenuProvider.getPopupMenu(Widget widget, Point localLocation)
          Get a JPopupMenu to display in the context of the given Widget.
 Collection<Rectangle> AlignWithWidgetCollector.getRegions(Widget movingWidget)
          Returns a collection of regions (in scene coordination system) for a specified moving widget.
 String TextFieldInplaceEditor.getText(Widget widget)
          Returns an initial text of the in-place editor.
 ConnectorState AcceptProvider.isAcceptable(Widget widget, Point point, Transferable transferable)
          Checks whether a transferable can be dropped on a widget at a specific point.
 boolean SelectProvider.isAimingAllowed(Widget widget, Point localLocation, boolean invertSelection)
          Called to check whether aiming is allowed
 boolean TextFieldInplaceEditor.isEnabled(Widget widget)
          Returns whether the in-place editing is allowed.
 ConnectorState ReconnectProvider.isReplacementWidget(ConnectionWidget connectionWidget, Widget replacementWidget, boolean reconnectingSource)
          Called to check for possible replacement of a connection source/target.
 boolean SelectProvider.isSelectionAllowed(Widget widget, Point localLocation, boolean invertSelection)
          Called to check whether the selection is allowed.
 boolean ConnectProvider.isSourceWidget(Widget sourceWidget)
          Called for checking whether a specified source widget is a possible source of a connection.
 ConnectorState ConnectProvider.isTargetWidget(Widget sourceWidget, Widget targetWidget)
          Called for checking whether a connection could be created between a specified source and target widget.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.keyPressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyPressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.keyPressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyPressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.keyPressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyPressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.keyPressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyPressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.keyReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.keyReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.keyReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.keyReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.keyTyped(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyTyped event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.keyTyped(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyTyped event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.keyTyped(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyTyped event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.keyTyped(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyTyped event.
 Point MoveStrategy.locationSuggested(Widget widget, Point originalLocation, Point suggestedLocation)
          Called after an user suggests a new location and before the suggested location is stored to a specified widget.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseClicked(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseClicked event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseClicked(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseClicked event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseClicked(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseClicked event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseClicked(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseClicked event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseDragged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseDragged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseDragged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseDragged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseDragged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseDragged event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseDragged(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseEntered(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseEntered event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseEntered(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseEntered event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseEntered(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseEntered event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseEntered(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseEntered event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseExited(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseExited event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseExited(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseExited event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseExited(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseExited event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseExited(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseExited event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseWheelMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mousePressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mousePressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mousePressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mousePressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mousePressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mousePressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mousePressed(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mousePressed event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseReleased(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseReleased event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.mouseWheelMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseWheelEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseWheelMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Adapter.mouseWheelMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseWheelEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseWheelMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.LockedAdapter.mouseWheelMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseWheelEvent event)
          Called for handling a mouseWheelMoved event.
 WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.Chain.mouseWheelMoved(Widget widget, WidgetAction.WidgetMouseWheelEvent event)
          Called for handling a keyTyped event.
 void MoveProvider.movementFinished(Widget widget)
          Called to notify about the end of movement of a specified widget.
 void MoveProvider.movementStarted(Widget widget)
          Called to nofity about the start of movement of a specified widget.
 void InplaceEditorProvider.notifyClosing(InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController controller, Widget widget, C editor, boolean commit)
          Called to notify about closing an in-place editor.
 void InplaceEditorProvider.notifyOpened(InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController controller, Widget widget, C editor)
          Called to notify about opening an in-place editor.
 boolean InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController.openEditor(Widget widget)
          Opens an in-place editor on a specified widget.
 void ReconnectProvider.reconnect(ConnectionWidget connectionWidget, Widget replacementWidget, boolean reconnectingSource)
          Called for replacing a source/target with a new one.
 void ResizeProvider.resizingFinished(Widget widget)
          Called to notify about the finish of resizing.
 void ResizeProvider.resizingStarted(Widget widget)
          Called to notify about the start of resizing.
 ResizeProvider.ControlPoint ResizeControlPointResolver.resolveControlPoint(Widget widget, Point point)
          Resolves which control point is being dragged by user.
 void SelectProvider.select(Widget widget, Point localLocation, boolean invertSelection)
          Called to perform the selection.
 void TwoStateHoverProvider.setHovering(Widget widget)
          Called when a hovering is going to be set to a widget.
 void MoveProvider.setNewLocation(Widget widget, Point location)
          Called to set a new location of a moved widget.
 void TextFieldInplaceEditor.setText(Widget widget, String text)
          Sets a new text approved by an user.
 boolean CycleFocusProvider.switchNextFocus(Widget widget)
          Switches a focus to the next widget/object on a scene.
 boolean CycleFocusProvider.switchPreviousFocus(Widget widget)
          Switches a focus to the previous widget/object on a scene.
 void TwoStateHoverProvider.unsetHovering(Widget widget)
          Called when a hovering is going to be unset from a widget.
 void HoverProvider.widgetHovered(Widget widget)
          Called to notify that a specified widget is hovered.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor that return Widget
 Widget Anchor.getRelatedWidget()
          Returns a related widget.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor with parameters of type Widget
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createCenterAnchor(Widget widget)
          Creates an anchor with always computes a point in the center of specified widget.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createCircularAnchor(Widget widget, int radius)
          Creates an anchor which computes a point as the one on a circle around specified widget.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createDirectionalAnchor(Widget widget, AnchorFactory.DirectionalAnchorKind kind)
          Creates a directional anchor with computes a point as the one in the middle of the boundary side of specified widget.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createDirectionalAnchor(Widget widget, AnchorFactory.DirectionalAnchorKind kind, int gap)
          Creates a directional anchor with computes a point as the one in the middle of the boundary side of specified widget.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createFreeRectangularAnchor(Widget widget, boolean includeBorders)
          Creates a free rectangular anchor.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createRectangularAnchor(Widget widget)
          Creates an anchor which computes a point as the one on the boundary of spacified widget.
static Anchor AnchorFactory.createRectangularAnchor(Widget widget, boolean includeBorders)
          Creates an anchor which computes a point as the one on the boundary of spacified widget.

Constructors in org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor with parameters of type Widget
Anchor(Widget relatedWidget)
          Creates an anchor that is related to a widget.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.animator

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.animator with parameters of type Widget
 void SceneAnimator.animateBackgroundColor(Widget widget, Color targetBackgroundColor)
          Starts backgroundColor animation for a specified widget.
 void SceneAnimator.animateForegroundColor(Widget widget, Color targetForegroundColor)
          Starts foregroundColor animation for a specified widget.
 void SceneAnimator.animatePreferredBounds(Widget widget, Rectangle targetPreferredBounds)
          Starts preferredBounds animation for a specified widget.
 void SceneAnimator.animatePreferredLocation(Widget widget, Point targetPreferredLocation)
          Starts preferredLocation animation for a specified widget.
 boolean SceneAnimator.isAnimatingBackgroundColor(Widget widget)
          Returns whether a backgroundColor animator for a specified widget is running.
 boolean SceneAnimator.isAnimatingForegroundColor(Widget widget)
          Returns whether a foregroundColor animator for a specified widget is running.
 boolean SceneAnimator.isAnimatingPreferredBounds(Widget widget)
          Returns whether a preferredBounds animator for a specified widget is running.
 boolean SceneAnimator.isAnimatingPreferredLocation(Widget widget)
          Returns whether a preferredLocation animator for a specified widget is running.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.graph

Subclasses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.graph
 class GraphPinScene<N,E,P>
          This class holds and manages graph-oriented model.
static class GraphPinScene.StringGraph
          This class is a particular GraphPinScene where nodes, edges and pins are represented with String class.
 class GraphScene<N,E>
          This class holds and manages graph-oriented model.
static class GraphScene.StringGraph
          This class is a particular GraphScene where nodes and edges are represented with String class.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.graph that return Widget
 Widget GraphScene.addEdge(E edge)
          Adds an edge.
 Widget GraphPinScene.addEdge(E edge)
          Adds an edge.
 Widget GraphScene.addNode(N node)
          Adds a node.
 Widget GraphPinScene.addNode(N node)
          Adds a node.
 Widget GraphPinScene.addPin(N node, P pin)
          Adds a pin and assigns it to a specified node.
protected abstract  Widget GraphScene.attachEdgeWidget(E edge)
          Called by the addEdge method before the edge is registered to acquire a widget that is going to represent the edge in the scene.
protected abstract  Widget GraphPinScene.attachEdgeWidget(E edge)
          Called by the addEdge method before the edge is registered to acquire a widget that is going to represent the edge in the scene.
protected abstract  Widget GraphScene.attachNodeWidget(N node)
          Called by the addNode method before the node is registered to acquire a widget that is going to represent the node in the scene.
protected abstract  Widget GraphPinScene.attachNodeWidget(N node)
          Called by the addNode method before the node is registered to acquire a widget that is going to represent the node in the scene.
protected abstract  Widget GraphPinScene.attachPinWidget(N node, P pin)
          Called by the addPin method before the pin is registered to acquire a widget that is going to represent the pin in the scene.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.graph with parameters of type Widget
protected  void GraphScene.detachEdgeWidget(E edge, Widget widget)
          Called by the removeEdge method to notify that an edge is removed from the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.detachEdgeWidget(E edge, Widget widget)
          Called by the removeEdge method to notify that an edge is removed from the graph model.
protected  void GraphScene.detachNodeWidget(N node, Widget widget)
          Called by the removeNode method to notify that a node is removed from the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.detachNodeWidget(N node, Widget widget)
          Called by the removeNode method to notify that a node is removed from the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.detachPinWidget(P pin, Widget widget)
          Called by the removePin method to notify that a pin is removed from the graph model.
protected  void GraphScene.notifyEdgeAdded(E edge, Widget widget)
          Called by the addEdge method to notify that an edge is added into the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.notifyEdgeAdded(E edge, Widget widget)
          Called by the addEdge method to notify that an edge is added into the graph model.
protected  void GraphScene.notifyNodeAdded(N node, Widget widget)
          Called by the addNode method to notify that a node is added into the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.notifyNodeAdded(N node, Widget widget)
          Called by the addNode method to notify that a node is added into the graph model.
protected  void GraphPinScene.notifyPinAdded(N node, P pin, Widget widget)
          Called by the addPin method to notify that a pin is added into the graph model.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.layout

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.layout that return Widget
static Widget LayoutFactory.getActiveCard(Widget cardLayoutWidget)
          Returns active card of a specified widget where a card layout is used.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.layout with parameters of type Widget
static Layout LayoutFactory.createCardLayout(Widget cardLayoutWidget)
          Creates a card layout where all children widgets except the active one are hidden.
static SceneLayout LayoutFactory.createDevolveWidgetLayout(Widget widget, Layout devolveLayout, boolean animate)
          Returns a scene layout which performs one-time layout using specified devolve-layout.
static Widget LayoutFactory.getActiveCard(Widget cardLayoutWidget)
          Returns active card of a specified widget where a card layout is used.
 void Layout.justify(Widget widget)
          Justify bounds of widget children based on a widget client area.
 void Layout.layout(Widget widget)
          Resolve bounds of widget children based in their preferred locations and bounds.
 boolean Layout.requiresJustification(Widget widget)
          Resolve whether a widget requires justification after whole scene layout.
static void LayoutFactory.setActiveCard(Widget widget, Widget activeChildWidget)
          Sets active card of a specified widget where a card layout is used.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.model

Subclasses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.model
 class ObjectScene
          This class manages mapping between model-objects and widgets on a scene.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model that return Widget
 Widget ObjectScene.findWidget(Object object)
          Returns the widget that is mapped to a specified object.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model that return types with arguments of type Widget
 List<Widget> ObjectScene.findWidgets(Object object)
          Returns a list of all widgets that are mapped to a specified object.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model with parameters of type Widget
 void ObjectScene.addObject(Object object, Widget... widgets)
          Adds a mapping between an object and a widget.
 Object ObjectScene.findObject(Widget widget)
          Returns an object which is assigned to a widget.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd

Subclasses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd
 class VMDConnectionWidget
          This class represents a connection widget in the VMD visualization style.
 class VMDGlyphSetWidget
          This widget represents a list of glyphs rendered horizontally one after another.
 class VMDGraphScene
          This class represents a GraphPinScene for the VMD visualization style.
 class VMDNodeWidget
          This class represents a node widget in the VMD visualization style.
 class VMDPinWidget
          This class represents a pin widget in the VMD visualization style.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd that return Widget
protected  Widget VMDGraphScene.attachEdgeWidget(String edge)
          Implements attaching a widget to an edge.
protected  Widget VMDGraphScene.attachNodeWidget(String node)
          Implements attaching a widget to a node.
protected  Widget VMDGraphScene.attachPinWidget(String node, String pin)
          Implements attaching a widget to a pin.
 Widget VMDNodeWidget.getHeader()
          Returns a header widget.
 Widget VMDPinWidget.getPinNameWidget()
          Returns a pin name widget.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd with parameters of type Widget
 void VMDNodeWidget.attachPinWidget(Widget widget)
          Attaches a pin widget to the node widget.
protected  boolean VMDNodeWidget.isMinimizableWidget(Widget widget)
          Called to check whether a particular widget is minimizable.

Method parameters in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd with type arguments of type Widget
 void VMDNodeWidget.sortPins(HashMap<String,List<Widget>> pinsCategories)
          Sorts and assigns pins into categories.

Constructors in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd with parameters of type Widget
VMDNodeAnchor(Widget widget)
          Creates a node anchor with vertical direction.
VMDNodeAnchor(Widget widget, boolean vertical)
          Creates a node anchor.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget

Subclasses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget
 class ComponentWidget
          This widget allows to use an AWT/Swing component in the scene.
 class ConnectionWidget
          This class represents a connection between two location.
 class ConvolveWidget
          The widget which applies a convolve filter to a graphics rendered by the children.
 class FreeConnectionWidget
          This class is an extension of the ConnectionWidget.
 class ImageWidget
          A widget representing image.
 class LabelWidget
          A widget representing a text.
 class LayerWidget
          The layer widget represents a transparent widget which functionality is similar to JGlassPane.
 class LevelOfDetailsWidget
          This is a widget with a level-of-details feature.
 class Scene
          The scene is a widget which also controls and represents whole rendered area.
 class ScrollWidget
          This a scroll widget similar to JScrollPane.
 class SeparatorWidget
          This is a separator widget.
 class SwingScrollWidget
          This is a scroll widget similar to JScrollPane.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget that return Widget
 Widget Scene.getFocusedWidget()
          Returns a focused widget of the scene.
 Widget Widget.getParentWidget()
          Returns a parent widget.
 Widget SwingScrollWidget.getView()
          Returns an inner widget.
 Widget ScrollWidget.getView()
          Returns an inner widget.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget that return types with arguments of type Widget
 List<Widget> Widget.getChildren()
          Returns a list of children widgets.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget with parameters of type Widget
 void Widget.addChild(int index, Widget child)
          Adds a child at a specified index
 void Widget.addChild(int index, Widget child, Object constraint)
          Adds a child at a specified index
 void Widget.addChild(Widget child)
          Adds a child widget as the last one.
 void Widget.addChild(Widget child, Object constraint)
          Adds a child widget as the last one.
 Object Widget.getChildConstraint(Widget child)
          Returns constraint assigned to a specified child widget.
 void Widget.removeChild(Widget child)
          Removes a child widget.
 void ConnectionWidget.removeConstraint(Widget childWidget)
          Removes a constraint for a child widget.
 void Widget.setChildConstraint(Widget child, Object constraint)
          Assigns a constraint to a child widget.
 void ConnectionWidget.setConstraint(Widget childWidget, LayoutFactory.ConnectionWidgetLayoutAlignment alignment, float placementInPercentage)
          Sets a constraint for a child widget when ConnectionWidgetLayout (by default) is used.
 void ConnectionWidget.setConstraint(Widget childWidget, LayoutFactory.ConnectionWidgetLayoutAlignment alignment, int placementAtDistance)
          Sets a constraint for a child widget when ConnectionWidgetLayout (by default) is used.
 void Scene.setFocusedWidget(Widget focusedWidget)
          Sets a focused widget of the scene.
 void SwingScrollWidget.setView(Widget view)
          Sets an scrolled widget.
 void ScrollWidget.setView(Widget view)
          Sets an scrolled widget.

Method parameters in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget with type arguments of type Widget
 void Widget.addChildren(List<? extends Widget> children)
          Adds all children in a specified list.
 void Widget.removeChildren(List<Widget> widgets)
          Removes all children widget that are in a specified list.

Constructors in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget with parameters of type Widget
ScrollWidget(Scene scene, Widget view)
          Creates a scroll widget.
SwingScrollWidget(Scene scene, Widget view)
          Creates a scroll widget.

Uses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general

Subclasses of Widget in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general
 class IconNodeWidget
          This class represents a general icon node widget which is rendered as a image and a label placed to the right or bottom from the image.
 class ListItemWidget
 class ListWidget

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general that return Widget
 Widget ListWidget.getHeader()
          Deprecated. Returns a header widget.

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.