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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommand (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Uses of Interface

Packages that use VcsCommand
org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands Commands scheduling and executing framework implementation. 

Uses of VcsCommand in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore that return VcsCommand
 VcsCommand VcsFileSystem.getCommand(String name)
          Deprecated. Retained for compatibility reasons only to be able to use the old VCS "API" for commands execution. Use #getCommandSupport() instead.

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore with parameters of type VcsCommand
protected  JMenuItem VcsRevisionAction.createItem(VcsCommand cmd)
 VcsCommandExecutor VcsFactory.getCommandExecutor(VcsCommand command, Hashtable variables)
          Deprecated. This method is retained for compatibility reasons. It may disappear after compatibility with old VCS "API" will not be needed.
static VcsCommandExecutor[] VcsAction.doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem)
          Deprecated. Do a command on a set of files.
static VcsCommandExecutor[] VcsAction.doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, CommandOutputListener stderrListener, CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener)
          Deprecated. Do a command on a set of files.
static VcsCommandExecutor[] VcsAction.doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, CommandOutputListener stderrListener, CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener, boolean saveProcessingFiles)
          Deprecated. Do a command on a set of files.
static void VcsAction.performVcsCommand(VcsCommand cmd, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, Collection fileObjects, boolean isExpert)
          Deprecated. Perform the specified VCS command on a collection of FileObjects.
static void VcsAction.performVcsCommand(VcsCommand cmd, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, Collection fileObjects, boolean isExpert, Hashtable additionalVars)
          Deprecated. Perform the specified VCS command on a collection of FileObjects.
 VcsCommandExecutor DefaultVcsFactory.getCommandExecutor(VcsCommand command, Hashtable variables)
          Deprecated. This method is retained for compatibility only. XXX how to replace usages? It's called from 31 places.

Uses of VcsCommand in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline

Classes in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline that implement VcsCommand
 class UserCommand
          Single user defined command.

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline that return VcsCommand
 VcsCommand UserCommandTask.getVcsCommand()
          Get the VcsCommand instance associated with this command.
 VcsCommand ExecuteCommand.getCommand()

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline with parameters of type VcsCommand
static void UserCommandSupport.setVariables(VcsCommand command, Table files, Hashtable vars, VariableValueAdjustment valueAdjustment, String relativeMountPoint, boolean useGreatestParentPaths)
          Add files specific variables.
 void UserCommand.copyFrom(VcsCommand vc)
          Fill all properties from the given user command.
 String ExecuteCommand.preprocessCommand(VcsCommand vc, Hashtable vars, String exec, StructuredExec sexec)
          This method can be used to do some preprocessing of the command which is to be run.

Uses of VcsCommand in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands that return VcsCommand
 VcsCommand VcsDescribedTask.getVcsCommand()
          Get the VcsCommand instance associated with this command.
 VcsCommand VcsDescribedCommand.getVcsCommand()
          Get the VcsCommand instance associated with this command.
 VcsCommand VcsCommandExecutor.getCommand()
          The executed command.
 VcsCommand CommandExecutionContext.getCommand(String name)

Methods in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands with parameters of type VcsCommand
 void VcsDescribedCommand.setVcsCommand(VcsCommand cmd)
          Set the VcsCommand instance associated with this command.
static boolean VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(VcsCommand command, String propertyName)
          Get the boolean value of the command property.
static boolean VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeTrue(VcsCommand command, String propertyName)
          Get the boolean value of the command property.
static boolean VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(VcsCommand command, String propertyName)
          Get the boolean value of the command property, or its default value when the property is not defined.
static int VcsCommandIO.getIntegerPropertyAssumeZero(VcsCommand command, String propertyName)
          Get the int value of the command property.
static int VcsCommandIO.getIntegerPropertyAssumeNegative(VcsCommand command, String propertyName)
          Get the int value of the command property.
 String VcsCommandExecutor.preprocessCommand(VcsCommand vc, Hashtable vars, String exec, StructuredExec sexec)
          This method can be used to do some preprocessing of the command which is to be run.
static FileObject[] CommandCustomizationSupport.getApplicableFiles(CommandExecutionContext executionContext, VcsCommand cmd, FileObject[] files)
static boolean CommandCustomizationSupport.preCustomize(CommandExecutionContext executionContext, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable vars)
          Perform the pre-customization of a command.
static String CommandCustomizationSupport.preCustomizeExec(CommandExecutionContext executionContext, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable vars)
          Perform the pre-customization of a command's execution string.
static StructuredExec CommandCustomizationSupport.preCustomizeStructuredExec(CommandExecutionContext executionContext, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable vars)
          Perform the pre-customization of a command's structured execution string.
static void CommandCustomizationSupport.defineGlobalOptions(Map vars, CommandExecutionContext executionContext, VcsCommand cmd)
          Insert the global options into the map of variables.
static void CommandCustomizationSupport.setupUncustomizedCommand(CommandExecutionContext executionContext, String exec, Hashtable vars, VcsCommand cmd)
          Setup some necessary variables, but do not present any GUI - the command does not wish to be customized.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.