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JBoss jBPM 3.1 - JBoss JBPM 3.1.3 userguide 英文版文档

JBoss jBPM 3.1

Workflow and BPM made practical

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. The jPDL starter kit
1.3. The JBoss jBPM graphical process designer
1.4. The JBoss jBPM core component
1.5. The JBoss jBPM console web application
1.6. The JBoss jBPM identity component
1.7. The JBoss jBPM scheduler
1.8. The JBoss jBPM database compatibility package
1.9. The JBoss jBPM BPEL extension
2. Getting started
2.1. Downloadables Overview
2.1.1. jBPM 3
2.1.2. jBPM Process Designer
2.1.3. jBPM BPEL extension
2.2. The JBoss jBPM project directory
2.3. CVS access
2.3.1. Anonymous CVS access
2.3.2. Developer CVS access
3. Tutorial
3.1. Hello World example
3.2. Database example
3.3. Context example: process variables
3.4. Task assignment example
3.5. Custom action example
4. Graph Oriented Programming
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Domain specific languages
4.1.2. Features of graph based languages Support for wait states Graphical representation
4.2. Graph Oriented Programming
4.2.1. The graph structure
4.2.2. An execution
4.2.3. A process language
4.2.4. Actions
4.2.5. Code example
4.3. Advanced Graph Oriented Programming Extensions
4.3.1. Process variables
4.3.2. Concurrent executions
4.3.3. Process composition
4.3.4. Synchronous execution
4.3.5. Asynchronous continuations
4.3.6. Persistence and Transactions
4.3.7. Services and the environment
4.4. Architecture
4.5. Application domains
4.5.1. Business Process Management (BPM) Goals of BPM systems Process development process
4.5.2. Service orchestration Orchestration compared to Choreography
4.5.3. Pageflow
4.5.4. Visual programming
4.6. Embedding graph based languages
4.7. Market
4.7.1. The ultimate process language
4.7.2. Fragmentation
4.7.3. Other implementation techniques
5. Deployment
5.1. Java runtime environment
5.2. jBPM libraries
5.3. Third party libraries
6. Configuration
6.1. Configuration properties
6.2. Configuration files
6.2.1. Hibernate cfg xml file
6.2.2. Hibernate queries configuration file
6.2.3. Node types configuration file
6.2.4. Action types configuration file
6.2.5. Business calendar configuration file
6.2.6. Variable mapping configuration file
6.2.7. Converter configuration file
6.2.8. Default modules configuration file
6.2.9. Process archive parsers configuration file
6.3. Object factory
7. Persistence
7.1. The persistence API
7.1.1. Relation to the configuration framework
7.1.2. Convenience methods on JbpmContext
7.1.3. Advanced API usage
7.2. Configuring the persistence service
7.2.1. The hibernate session factory
7.2.2. Configuring a c3po connection pool
7.2.3. The DbPersistenceServiceFactory
7.3. Hibernate transactions
7.4. Managed transactions
7.5. User provided stuff
7.6. Customizing queries
7.7. Database compatibility
7.7.1. Changing the jBPM DB
7.7.2. The jBPM DB schema
7.8. Combining your hibernate classes
7.9. Customizing the jBPM hibernate mapping files
7.10. Second level cache
8. The jBPM Database
8.1. Switching the Database Backend
8.1.1. Installing the PostgreSQL Database Manager
8.1.2. Creating the JBoss jBPM Database
8.1.3. Update the JBoss jBPM Server Configuration
8.2. Database upgrades
8.3. Starting hsqldb manager on JBoss
9. Process Modelling
9.1. Overview
9.2. Process graph
9.3. Nodes
9.3.1. Node responsibilities
9.3.2. Nodetype task-node
9.3.3. Nodetype state
9.3.4. Nodetype decision
9.3.5. Nodetype fork
9.3.6. Nodetype join
9.3.7. Nodetype node
9.4. Transitions
9.5. Actions
9.5.1. Action configuration
9.5.2. Action references
9.5.3. Events
9.5.4. Event propagation
9.5.5. Script
9.5.6. Custom events
9.6. Superstates
9.6.1. Superstate transitions
9.6.2. Superstate events
9.6.3. Hierarchical names
9.7. Exception handling
9.8. Process composition
9.9. Custom node behaviour
9.10. Graph execution
9.11. Transaction demarcation
10. Context
10.1. Accessing variables
10.2. Variable lifetime
10.3. Variable persistence
10.4. Variables scopes
10.4.1. Variables overloading
10.4.2. Variables overriding
10.4.3. Task instance variable scope
10.5. Transient variables
10.6. Customizing variable persistence
11. Task management
11.1. Tasks
11.2. Task instances
11.2.1. Task instance lifecycle
11.2.2. Task instances and graph execution
11.3. Assignment
11.3.1. Assignment interfaces
11.3.2. The assignment data model
11.3.3. Push model
11.3.4. Pull model
11.4. Task instance variables
11.5. Task controllers
11.6. Swimlanes
11.7. Swimlane in start task
11.8. Task events
11.9. Task timers
11.10. Customizing task instances
11.11. The identity component
11.11.1. The identity model
11.11.2. Assignment expressions First terms Next terms
11.11.3. Removing the identity component
12. Scheduler
12.1. Timers
12.2. Scheduler deployment
13. Asynchronous continuations
13.1. The concept
13.2. An example
13.3. The command executor
13.4. jBPM's built-in asynchronous messaging
13.5. JMS for async architectures
13.6. JMS for asynchronous messaging
13.7. Future directions
14. Business calendar
14.1. Duration
14.2. Calendar configuration
15. Logging
15.1. Creation of logs
15.2. Log configurations
15.3. Log retrieval
15.4. Database warehousing
16. jBPM Process Definition Language (JPDL)
16.1. The process archive
16.1.1. Deploying a process archive
16.1.2. Process versioning
16.1.3. Changing deployed process definitions
16.1.4. Migrating process instances
16.1.5. Process conversion
16.2. Delegation
16.2.1. The jBPM class loader
16.2.2. The process class loader
16.2.3. Configuration of delegations config-type field config-type bean config-type constructor config-type configuration-property
16.3. Expressions
16.4. jPDL xml schema
16.4.1. Validation
16.4.2. process-definition
16.4.3. node
16.4.4. common node elements
16.4.5. start-state
16.4.6. end-state
16.4.7. state
16.4.8. task-node
16.4.9. process-state
16.4.10. super-state
16.4.11. fork
16.4.12. join
16.4.13. decision
16.4.14. event
16.4.15. transition
16.4.16. action
16.4.17. script
16.4.18. expression
16.4.19. variable
16.4.20. handler
16.4.21. timer
16.4.22. create-timer
16.4.23. cancel-timer
16.4.24. task
16.4.25. swimlane
16.4.26. assignment
16.4.27. controller
16.4.28. sub-process
16.4.29. condition
16.4.30. exception-handler
17. Security
17.1. Todos
17.2. Authentication
17.3. Authorization
18. TDD for workflow
18.1. Introducing TDD for workflow
18.2. XML sources
18.2.1. Parsing a process archive
18.2.2. Parsing an xml file
18.2.3. Parsing an xml String
18.3. Testing sub processes
19. Pluggable architecture