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Uses of Class javax.management.relation.RelationTypeNotFoundException (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use RelationTypeNotFoundException
javax.management.relation The JBossMX relation service

Uses of RelationTypeNotFoundException in javax.management.relation

Methods in javax.management.relation that throw RelationTypeNotFoundException
 void RelationSupport.handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName, String roleName)
 void RelationSupport.setRole(Role role)
 RoleResult RelationSupport.setRoles(RoleList roleList)
 void RelationServiceMBean.addRelation(ObjectName relation)
          Add a manually created relation to the relation service.
 Integer RelationServiceMBean.checkRoleReading(String roleName, String relationTypeName)
          Checks whether the passed role can be read in the given relation type.
 Integer RelationServiceMBean.checkRoleWriting(Role role, String relationTypeName, Boolean initFlag)
          Checks whether the passed role can be written in the given relation type.
 void RelationServiceMBean.createRelation(String relationId, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
          Create a simple relation using RelationSupport for a relation type within the relation service.
 List RelationServiceMBean.findRelationsOfType(String relationTypeName)
          Retrieves the relation ids for relations of the passed type.
 RoleInfo RelationServiceMBean.getRoleInfo(String relationTypeName, String roleInfoName)
          Retrieves the role information for a given relation type.
 List RelationServiceMBean.getRoleInfos(String relationTypeName)
          Retrieves all the role information for a given relation type.
 void RelationServiceMBean.removeRelationType(String relationTypeName)
          Removes a relation type from the relation service.
 void RelationServiceMBean.setRole(String relationId, Role role)
          Sets the role in the passed relation.
 void RelationService.addRelation(ObjectName relation)
 Integer RelationService.checkRoleReading(String roleName, String relationTypeName)
 Integer RelationService.checkRoleWriting(Role role, String relationTypeName, Boolean initFlag)
 void RelationService.createRelation(String relationId, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
 List RelationService.findRelationsOfType(String relationTypeName)
 RoleInfo RelationService.getRoleInfo(String relationTypeName, String roleInfoName)
 List RelationService.getRoleInfos(String relationTypeName)
 void RelationService.removeRelationType(String relationTypeName)
 void RelationService.setRole(String relationId, Role role)
 void Relation.handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName, String roleName)
          The relation service will call this service when an MBean referenced in a role is unregistered.
 void Relation.setRole(Role role)
          Sets the passed role for this relation.
 RoleResult Relation.setRoles(RoleList roleList)
          Sets the roles.

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