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Uses of Class javax.management.relation.InvalidRelationIdException (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidRelationIdException
javax.management.relation The JBossMX relation service

Uses of InvalidRelationIdException in javax.management.relation

Methods in javax.management.relation that throw InvalidRelationIdException
 void RelationServiceMBean.addRelation(ObjectName relation)
          Add a manually created relation to the relation service.
 void RelationServiceMBean.createRelation(String relationId, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
          Create a simple relation using RelationSupport for a relation type within the relation service.
 void RelationService.addRelation(ObjectName relation)
 void RelationService.createRelation(String relationId, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)

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