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Uses of Class javax.management.JMException (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use JMException
javax.management.relation The JBossMX relation service
org.jboss.mx.util Utilities for the Java Management Extentions API. 

Uses of JMException in javax.management

Subclasses of JMException in javax.management
 class AttributeNotFoundException
          Thrown when the attribute does not exist or cannot be retrieved.
 class InstanceAlreadyExistsException
          Thrown when an MBean is already registered with the specified ObjectName.
 class InstanceNotFoundException
          Thrown when an MBean is not registered with the specified ObjectName.
 class IntrospectionException
          Thrown when an error occurs introspecting an MBean.
 class InvalidAttributeValueException
          Thrown when trying to change an attribute to a incorrect value or type.
 class ListenerNotFoundException
          Thrown when a specified Listener does not exist.
 class MalformedObjectNameException
          Thrown when a string used to construct an ObjectName is not valid.
 class MBeanException
          A wrapper for exceptions thrown by MBeans.
 class MBeanRegistrationException
          A wrapper for exceptions thrown by MBeans that implement MBeanRegistration.
 class NotCompliantMBeanException
          Thrown when trying to register an MBean that does not conform the JMX specification.
 class OperationsException
          Thrown when an error occurs performing an operation on an MBean.
 class ReflectionException
          Thrown by the MBeanServer when an exception occurs using the java.lang.reflect package to invoke methods on MBeans.
 class ServiceNotFoundException
          Thrown when a service is not supported.

Uses of JMException in javax.management.openmbean

Subclasses of JMException in javax.management.openmbean
 class OpenDataException
          Thrown when an open type, open data or open mbean meta data object is attempted to be constructed that is not valid.

Uses of JMException in javax.management.relation

Subclasses of JMException in javax.management.relation
 class InvalidRelationIdException
          Thrown when a relation id provided has already been used.
 class InvalidRelationServiceException
          Thrown when an invalid relation service is used.
 class InvalidRelationTypeException
          Thrown when the relation type already exists with the given name or the same name is used in different role infos or there is no role info or a null role info.
 class InvalidRoleInfoException
          Thrown when a role info has a minimum greater than its maximum.
 class InvalidRoleValueException
          Thrown when the number of MBeans passed is less the minimum or greater than the maximum degree of a role, or the an MBean has an incorrect class or an MBean does not exist.
 class RelationException
          A super class for all relations thrown during relation management.
 class RelationNotFoundException
          Thrown when there is no relation for a passed relation id.
 class RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
          Thrown when the relation service has not been registered with the MBean Server.
 class RelationTypeNotFoundException
          Thrown when a relation type is not registered with the relation service.
 class RoleInfoNotFoundException
          Thrown when the a role info with the given name doesn't exist for relation type.
 class RoleNotFoundException
          Thrown when the a role does not exist for a relation or is not readable or writable for the respective operation.

Uses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.loading

Methods in org.jboss.mx.loading that throw JMException
static void LoaderRepositoryFactory.createLoaderRepository(MBeanServer server, String repositoryClassName, ObjectName repositoryName)
          Create a LoaderRepository instance of type repositoryClassName and register it under repositoryName if there is not already an instance registered.
static void LoaderRepositoryFactory.createLoaderRepository(MBeanServer server, LoaderRepositoryFactory.LoaderRepositoryConfig config)
          Create and configure a LoaderRepository instance using the given config if there is not already an instance registered.

Uses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean

Methods in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean that throw JMException
protected  void ModelMBeanInvoker.setValuesFromMBeanInfo()

Uses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.notification

Methods in org.jboss.mx.notification that throw JMException
 void ListenerRegistry.add(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Adds a listener to a broadcaster
 ListenerRegistration ListenerRegistrationFactory.create(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Create a listener registration

Uses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.persistence

Methods in org.jboss.mx.persistence that throw JMException
protected  void MbeanInfoDbPm.register()
          Iterates over the loaded MBean infos and ObjectNames, creates an MBean for each, and registers it with the server.
protected  MBeanServer MbeanInfoDbPm.getMBeanServer()

Uses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.util

Subclasses of JMException in org.jboss.mx.util
 class JBossNotCompliantMBeanException
          JBossNotCompliantMBeanException.java Created: Tues Feb 18 22:45:03 2003
 class MBeanProxyCreationException

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