Interface Summary | |
CachePolicy | Interface that specifies a policy for caches. |
CloneableObject.Cloneable | An interface which exposes a public clone method,
unlike Object.clone() which is protected and throws
exceptions... |
Coercible | An iterface which an object implements to indicate that it will handle coercion by itself. |
Executable | Interface for the execution of a task. |
Mutable | Mutable object interface. |
NestedThrowable | Interface which is implemented by all the nested throwable flavors. |
PrettyString | A simple interface for objects that can return pretty (ie. |
PrettyString.Appendable | Interface for appending the objects pretty string onto a buffer. |
Sync | Interface that gives synchronization semantic to implementors |
ThrowableHandler.Type | Container for throwable types. |
ThrowableListener | An interface used to handle Throwable events. |
TimedCachePolicy.TimedEntry | The interface that cache entries support. |
WaitSync | Interface that gives wait - notify primitives to implementors. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractNestedThrowable | A common superclass for Throwable classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object. |
Classes | A collection of Class utilities. |
CloneableObject | A simple base-class for classes which need to be cloneable. |
Counter | An integer counter class. |
DirectoryBuilder | A simple utility to make it easier to build File objects for nested directories based on the command line 'cd' pattern. |
FieldInstance | A FieldInstance refers to a specific reflected field on an object. |
HashCode | A hash-code generator and a collection of static hash-code generation methods. |
Heap | Data structure that mantains data in a ordered binary tree; each node is greater (smaller) or equal than its 2 sub-nodes, for all the hierarchy. |
LongCounter | A long integer counter class. |
LRUCachePolicy | Implementation of a Least Recently Used cache policy. |
LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry | Double linked cell used as entry in the cache list. |
MethodHashing | Create a unique hash for |
MuBoolean | A mutable boolean class. |
MuByte | A mutable byte class. |
MuCharacter | A mutable character class. |
MuDouble | A mutable double class. |
MuFloat | A mutable float class. |
MuInteger | A mutable integer class. |
MuLong | A mutable long integer class. |
MuNumber | An abstract mutable number class. |
MuShort | A mutable short class. |
NestedThrowable.Util | Utilitiy methods for the various flavors of
NestedThrowable . |
Null | A class that represents null. |
Objects | A collection of Object utilities. |
Primitives | Primitive utilities. |
ProfilerPoint | Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
Semaphore | Semaphore that can allow a specified number of threads to enter, blocking the others. |
SoftObject | Convenience class to wrap an Object into a SoftReference. |
StackTrace | Provides access to the current stack trace by parsing the output of
Throwable.printStackTrace() . |
StackTrace.Entry | A stack trace entry. |
StackTrace.Parser | A parser which takes a standard Throwable and produces
StackTrace.Entry objects. |
StopWatch | Simulates a stop watch with a lap counter. |
StringPropertyReplacer | A utility class for replacing properties in strings. |
Strings | A collection of String utilities. |
Strings.Range | Represents a range between two integers. |
SynchronizedCachePolicy | A synchronized cache policy wrapper. |
ThrowableHandler | A static singleton that handles processing throwables that otherwise would be ignored or dumped to System.err. |
Throwables | A collection of Throwable utilities. |
TimedCachePolicy | An implementation of a timed cache. |
TimerQueue | This class runs in a single thread TimerTask s that have been
scheduled. |
TimerTask | A class that represent a task that can be scheduled for one-shot or
repeated execution by a TimerQueue . |
Valve | A simple valve with no support for re-opening. |
WaitSemaphore | Wait exclusive semaphore with wait - notify primitives |
WeakObject | Convenience class to wrap an Object into a WeakReference. |
WorkerQueue | Class that queues Executable jobs that are executed sequentially
by a single thread. |
Exception Summary | |
CoercionException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a problem has occured while trying to coerce an object. |
DataConversionException | An exception throw to indicate a problem with some type of data conversion. |
EmptyStringException | Thrown to indicate that a string was empty (aka. |
NestedException | A common superclass for Exception classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object. |
NestedRuntimeException | A common superclass for RuntimeException classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object. |
NestedSQLException | A common superclass for SQLException classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object. |
NoSuchMethodException | A better NoSuchMethodException which can take a Method object and formats the detail message based on in. |
NotCoercibleException | This exception is thrown to indicate that an object was not coercible. |
NotImplementedException | Thrown to indicate that a method has not been implemented yet. |
NullArgumentException | Thrown to indicate that a method argument was null and should not have been. |
UnreachableStatementException | Thrown to indicate that section of code that should never have been reachable, has just been reached. |
Error Summary | |
BenignError | Thrown to indicate to an encapsulated try/catch block that something has happened and it was not harmfull. |
NestedError | A common superclass for Error classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object. |
UnexpectedThrowable | Thrown to indicate that a Throwable was caught but was not expected. |
Utility classes and interfaces.