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org.jboss.util (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.util

Utility classes and interfaces.


Interface Summary
CachePolicy Interface that specifies a policy for caches.
CloneableObject.Cloneable An interface which exposes a public clone method, unlike Object.clone() which is protected and throws exceptions...
Coercible An iterface which an object implements to indicate that it will handle coercion by itself.
Executable Interface for the execution of a task.
Mutable Mutable object interface.
NestedThrowable Interface which is implemented by all the nested throwable flavors.
PrettyString A simple interface for objects that can return pretty (ie.
PrettyString.Appendable Interface for appending the objects pretty string onto a buffer.
Sync Interface that gives synchronization semantic to implementors
ThrowableHandler.Type Container for throwable types.
ThrowableListener An interface used to handle Throwable events.
TimedCachePolicy.TimedEntry The interface that cache entries support.
WaitSync Interface that gives wait - notify primitives to implementors.

Class Summary
AbstractNestedThrowable A common superclass for Throwable classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object.
Classes A collection of Class utilities.
CloneableObject A simple base-class for classes which need to be cloneable.
Counter An integer counter class.
DirectoryBuilder A simple utility to make it easier to build File objects for nested directories based on the command line 'cd' pattern.
FieldInstance A FieldInstance refers to a specific reflected field on an object.
HashCode A hash-code generator and a collection of static hash-code generation methods.
Heap Data structure that mantains data in a ordered binary tree; each node is greater (smaller) or equal than its 2 sub-nodes, for all the hierarchy.
LongCounter A long integer counter class.
LRUCachePolicy Implementation of a Least Recently Used cache policy.
LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry Double linked cell used as entry in the cache list.
MethodHashing Create a unique hash for
MuBoolean A mutable boolean class.
MuByte A mutable byte class.
MuCharacter A mutable character class.
MuDouble A mutable double class.
MuFloat A mutable float class.
MuInteger A mutable integer class.
MuLong A mutable long integer class.
MuNumber An abstract mutable number class.
MuShort A mutable short class.
NestedThrowable.Util Utilitiy methods for the various flavors of NestedThrowable.
Null A class that represents null.
Objects A collection of Object utilities.
Primitives Primitive utilities.
ProfilerPoint Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Semaphore Semaphore that can allow a specified number of threads to enter, blocking the others.
SoftObject Convenience class to wrap an Object into a SoftReference.
StackTrace Provides access to the current stack trace by parsing the output of Throwable.printStackTrace().
StackTrace.Entry A stack trace entry.
StackTrace.Parser A parser which takes a standard Throwable and produces StackTrace.Entry objects.
StopWatch Simulates a stop watch with a lap counter.
StringPropertyReplacer A utility class for replacing properties in strings.
Strings A collection of String utilities.
Strings.Range Represents a range between two integers.
SynchronizedCachePolicy A synchronized cache policy wrapper.
ThrowableHandler A static singleton that handles processing throwables that otherwise would be ignored or dumped to System.err.
Throwables A collection of Throwable utilities.
TimedCachePolicy An implementation of a timed cache.
TimerQueue This class runs in a single thread TimerTasks that have been scheduled.
TimerTask A class that represent a task that can be scheduled for one-shot or repeated execution by a TimerQueue.
Valve A simple valve with no support for re-opening.
WaitSemaphore Wait exclusive semaphore with wait - notify primitives
WeakObject Convenience class to wrap an Object into a WeakReference.
WorkerQueue Class that queues Executable jobs that are executed sequentially by a single thread.

Exception Summary
CoercionException This exception is thrown to indicate that a problem has occured while trying to coerce an object.
DataConversionException An exception throw to indicate a problem with some type of data conversion.
EmptyStringException Thrown to indicate that a string was empty (aka.
NestedException A common superclass for Exception classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object.
NestedRuntimeException A common superclass for RuntimeException classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object.
NestedSQLException A common superclass for SQLException classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object.
NoSuchMethodException A better NoSuchMethodException which can take a Method object and formats the detail message based on in.
NotCoercibleException This exception is thrown to indicate that an object was not coercible.
NotImplementedException Thrown to indicate that a method has not been implemented yet.
NullArgumentException Thrown to indicate that a method argument was null and should not have been.
UnreachableStatementException Thrown to indicate that section of code that should never have been reachable, has just been reached.

Error Summary
BenignError Thrown to indicate to an encapsulated try/catch block that something has happened and it was not harmfull.
NestedError A common superclass for Error classes that can contain a nested Throwable detail object.
UnexpectedThrowable Thrown to indicate that a Throwable was caught but was not expected.

Package org.jboss.util Description

Utility classes and interfaces.

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