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LRUCachePolicy (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Class LRUCachePolicy

  extended byorg.jboss.util.LRUCachePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LRUCachePolicy
extends Object
implements CachePolicy

Implementation of a Least Recently Used cache policy.

$Revision: $
Simone Bordet

Nested Class Summary
static class LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry
          Double linked cell used as entry in the cache list.
 class LRUCachePolicy.LRUList
          Double queued list used to store cache entries.
Field Summary
protected  LRUCachePolicy.LRUList m_list
          The linked list used to implement the LRU algorithm
protected  HashMap m_map
          The map holding the cached objects
protected  int m_maxCapacity
          The maximum capacity of this cache
protected  int m_minCapacity
          The minimum capacity of this cache
Constructor Summary
          Creates a LRU cache policy object with zero cache capacity.
LRUCachePolicy(int min, int max)
          Creates a LRU cache policy object with the specified minimum and maximum capacity.
Method Summary
protected  void ageOut(LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry entry)
          Callback method called when the cache algorithm ages out of the cache the given entry.
protected  void cacheMiss()
          Callback method called when a cache miss happens.
 void create()
          Initializes the cache, creating all required objects and initializing their values.
protected  LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry createCacheEntry(Object key, Object value)
          Factory method for cache entries
protected  LRUCachePolicy.LRUList createList()
          Factory method for the linked list used by this cache implementation.
 void destroy()
          Destroys the cache that is now unusable.
 void flush()
          Flushes the cached objects from the cache.
 Object get(Object key)
          Returns the object paired with the specified key if it's present in the cache, otherwise must return null.
 void insert(Object key, Object o)
          Inserts the specified object into the cache following the implemented policy.
 Object peek(Object key)
          Returns the object paired with the specified key if it's present in the cache, otherwise must return null.
 void remove(Object key)
          Remove the cached object paired with the specified key.
 int size()
          Get the size of the cache.
 void start()
          Starts this cache that is now ready to be used.
 void stop()
          Stops this cache thus flush()ing all cached objects.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HashMap m_map
The map holding the cached objects


protected LRUCachePolicy.LRUList m_list
The linked list used to implement the LRU algorithm


protected int m_maxCapacity
The maximum capacity of this cache


protected int m_minCapacity
The minimum capacity of this cache

Constructor Detail


public LRUCachePolicy()
Creates a LRU cache policy object with zero cache capacity.

See Also:


public LRUCachePolicy(int min,
                      int max)
Creates a LRU cache policy object with the specified minimum and maximum capacity.

See Also:
Method Detail


public void create()
Initializes the cache, creating all required objects and initializing their values.

Specified by:
create in interface CachePolicy
See Also:
start(), destroy()


public void start()
Starts this cache that is now ready to be used.

Specified by:
start in interface CachePolicy
See Also:
create(), stop()


public void stop()
Stops this cache thus flush()ing all cached objects.
After this method is called, a call to start() will restart the cache.

Specified by:
stop in interface CachePolicy
See Also:
start(), destroy()


public void destroy()
Destroys the cache that is now unusable.
To have it working again it must be re-create()ed and re-start()ed.

Specified by:
destroy in interface CachePolicy
See Also:


public Object get(Object key)
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Returns the object paired with the specified key if it's present in the cache, otherwise must return null.
Implementations of this method must have complexity of order O(1). Differently from CachePolicy.peek(java.lang.Object) this method not only return whether the object is present in the cache or not, but also applies the implemented policy that will "refresh" the cached object in the cache, because this cached object was really requested.

Specified by:
get in interface CachePolicy
key - the key paired with the object
See Also:


public Object peek(Object key)
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Returns the object paired with the specified key if it's present in the cache, otherwise must return null.
Implementations of this method must have complexity of order O(1). This method should not apply the implemented caching policy to the object paired with the given key, so that a client can query if an object is cached without "refresh" its cache status. Real requests for the object must be done using CachePolicy.get(java.lang.Object).

Specified by:
peek in interface CachePolicy
key - the key paired with the object
See Also:


public void insert(Object key,
                   Object o)
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Inserts the specified object into the cache following the implemented policy.
Implementations of this method must have complexity of order O(1).

Specified by:
insert in interface CachePolicy
key - the key paired with the object
o - the object to cache
See Also:


public void remove(Object key)
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Remove the cached object paired with the specified key.
Implementations of this method must have complexity of order O(1).

Specified by:
remove in interface CachePolicy
key - the key paired with the object
See Also:
CachePolicy.insert(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)


public void flush()
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Flushes the cached objects from the cache.

Specified by:
flush in interface CachePolicy


public int size()
Description copied from interface: CachePolicy
Get the size of the cache.

Specified by:
size in interface CachePolicy


protected LRUCachePolicy.LRUList createList()
Factory method for the linked list used by this cache implementation.


protected void ageOut(LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry entry)
Callback method called when the cache algorithm ages out of the cache the given entry.
The implementation here is removing the given entry from the cache.


protected void cacheMiss()
Callback method called when a cache miss happens.


protected LRUCachePolicy.LRUCacheEntry createCacheEntry(Object key,
                                                        Object value)
Factory method for cache entries

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