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TimedCachePolicy.TimedEntry (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface TimedCachePolicy.TimedEntry

Enclosing interface:

public static interface TimedCachePolicy.TimedEntry

The interface that cache entries support.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Notify the entry that it has been removed from the cache.
 Object getValue()
          Get the value component of the TimedEntry.
 void init(long now)
          Initializes an entry with the current cache time.
 boolean isCurrent(long now)
          Is the entry still valid basis the current time
 boolean refresh()
          Attempt to extend the entry lifetime by refreshing it.

Method Detail


public void init(long now)
Initializes an entry with the current cache time. This is called when the entry is first inserted into the cache so that entries do not have to know the absolute system time.


public boolean isCurrent(long now)
Is the entry still valid basis the current time

true if the entry is within its lifetime, false if it is expired.


public boolean refresh()
Attempt to extend the entry lifetime by refreshing it.

true if the entry was refreshed successfully, false otherwise.


public void destroy()
Notify the entry that it has been removed from the cache.


public Object getValue()
Get the value component of the TimedEntry. This may or may not be the TimedEntry implementation.

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