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Uses of Class org.jboss.util.NestedError (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use NestedError
org.jboss.util Utility classes and interfaces. 
org.jboss.util.property An advanced property access, managment and notification system. 

Uses of NestedError in org.jboss.util

Subclasses of NestedError in org.jboss.util
 class BenignError
          Thrown to indicate to an encapsulated try/catch block that something has happened and it was not harmfull.
 class UnexpectedThrowable
          Thrown to indicate that a Throwable was caught but was not expected.

Uses of NestedError in org.jboss.util.property

Subclasses of NestedError in org.jboss.util.property
 class PropertyError
          Thrown to indicate a fatal problem with the property system.

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