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org.jboss.util.property (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.util.property

An advanced property access, managment and notification system.


Interface Summary
BoundPropertyListener The listener interface for receiving bound property events (as well as property events).
Configurable An interface that allows for dynamic configuration of instance objects with properties.
PropertyListener The listener interface for receiving property events.
PropertyReader Iterface used to allow a PropertyMap to read property definitions in an implementation independent fashion.

Class Summary
BoundPropertyAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving bound property events.
DefaultPropertyReader Reads properties from files specified via a system property.
FieldBoundPropertyListener Binds property values to class fields.
FilePropertyReader Reads properties from one or more files.
MethodBoundPropertyListener Binds property values to class methods.
Property Provides shorter method names for working with the PropertyManager.
PropertyAdapter An abstract adapter class for receving property events.
PropertyContainer Provides helper methods for working with instance or class properties.
PropertyEvent A property event.
PropertyGroup This is a helper class to access a group of properties with out having to refer to their full names.
PropertyManager A more robust replacement of java.lang.System for property access.
PropertyMap A replacement for the standard java.util.Properties class which adds, among others, property event capabilities.

Exception Summary
PropertyException This exception is thrown to indicate a non-fatal problem with the property system.

Error Summary
PropertyError Thrown to indicate a fatal problem with the property system.

Package org.jboss.util.property Description

An advanced property access, managment and notification system.

This system provides some helpful additions to the standard Java property system. Some of these features include:

Aims to provide a JavaBeans style api for accessing properties in a simple, powerful and consistent fashion.

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