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BoundPropertyListener (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface BoundPropertyListener

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, PropertyListener
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BoundPropertyListener
extends PropertyListener

The listener interface for receiving bound property events (as well as property events).

Classes that are interested in processing a bound property event implement this interface, and register instance objects with a given PropertyMap or via PropertyManager.addPropertyListener(PropertyListener).

Note that this is not the typical listener interface, as it extends from PropertyListener, and defines getPropertyName() which is not an event triggered method. This method serves to instruct the PropertyMap the listener is registered with, which property it will bind to.

$Revision: 1.1 $
Jason Dillon

Method Summary
 String getPropertyName()
          Get the property name which this listener is bound to.
 void propertyBound(PropertyMap map)
          Notifies that this listener was bound to a property.
 void propertyUnbound(PropertyMap map)
          Notifies that this listener was unbound from a property.
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.util.property.PropertyListener
propertyAdded, propertyChanged, propertyRemoved

Method Detail


public String getPropertyName()
Get the property name which this listener is bound to.

Property name.


public void propertyBound(PropertyMap map)
Notifies that this listener was bound to a property.

map - PropertyMap which contains property bound to.


public void propertyUnbound(PropertyMap map)
Notifies that this listener was unbound from a property.

map - PropertyMap which contains property bound to.

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