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javax.management.relation (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Package javax.management.relation

Provides the definition of the Relation service.


Interface Summary
Relation This interface has to be implemented by any MBean class expected to represent a relation managed using the Relation Service.
RelationServiceMBean The Relation Service is in charge of creating and deleting relation types and relations, of handling the consistency and of providing query mechanisms.
RelationSupportMBean A RelationSupport object is used internally by the Relation Service to represent simple relations (only roles, no properties or methods), with an unlimited number of roles, of any relation type.
RelationType The RelationType interface has to be implemented by any class expected to represent a relation type.

Class Summary
MBeanServerNotificationFilter Filter for MBeanServerNotification.
RelationNotification A notification of a change in the Relation Service.
RelationService The Relation Service is in charge of creating and deleting relation types and relations, of handling the consistency and of providing query mechanisms.
RelationSupport A RelationSupport object is used internally by the Relation Service to represent simple relations (only roles, no properties or methods), with an unlimited number of roles, of any relation type.
RelationTypeSupport A RelationTypeSupport object implements the RelationType interface.
Role Represents a role: includes a role name and referenced MBeans (via their ObjectNames).
RoleInfo A RoleInfo object summarises a role in a relation type.
RoleList A RoleList represents a list of roles (Role objects).
RoleResult Represents the result of a multiple access to several roles of a relation (either for reading or writing).
RoleStatus This class describes the various problems which can be encountered when accessing a role.
RoleUnresolved Represents an unresolved role: a role not retrieved from a relation due to a problem.
RoleUnresolvedList A RoleUnresolvedList represents a list of RoleUnresolved objects, representing roles not retrieved from a relation due to a problem encountered when trying to access (read or write to roles).

Exception Summary
InvalidRelationIdException This exception is raised when relation id provided for a relation is already used.
InvalidRelationServiceException This exception is raised when an invalid Relation Service is provided.
InvalidRelationTypeException Invalid relation type.
InvalidRoleInfoException This exception is raised when, in a role info, its minimum degree is greater than its maximum degree.
InvalidRoleValueException Role value is invalid.
RelationException This class is the superclass of any exception which can be raised during relation management.
RelationNotFoundException This exception is raised when there is no relation for a given relation id in a Relation Service.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException This exception is raised when an access is done to the Relation Service and that one is not registered.
RelationTypeNotFoundException This exception is raised when there is no relation type with given name in Relation Service.
RoleInfoNotFoundException This exception is raised when there is no role info with given name in a given relation type.
RoleNotFoundException This exception is raised when a role in a relation does not exist, or is not readable, or is not settable.

Package javax.management.relation Description

Provides the definition of the Relation service.

JMX 1.0

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.