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javax.management.openmbean (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Package javax.management.openmbean

Provides the open data types and open mbean descriptors classes.


Interface Summary
CompositeData The CompositeData interface specifies the behaviour of a specific type of complex open data objects which represent composite data structures.
OpenMBeanAttributeInfo Describes an attribute of an open MBean.
OpenMBeanConstructorInfo Describes a constructor of an Open MBean.
OpenMBeanInfo Describes an Open MBean: an Open MBean is recognized as such if its getMBeanInfo() method returns an instance of a class which implements the OpenMBeanInfo interface, typically OpenMBeanInfoSupport.
OpenMBeanOperationInfo Describes an operation of an Open MBean.
OpenMBeanParameterInfo Describes a parameter used in one or more operations or constructors of an open MBean.
TabularData The TabularData interface specifies the behaviour of a specific type of complex open data objects which represent tabular data structures.

Class Summary
ArrayType The ArrayType class is the open type class whose instances describe all open data values which are n-dimensional arrays of open data values.
CompositeDataSupport The CompositeDataSupport class is the open data class which implements the CompositeData interface.
CompositeType The CompositeType class is the open type class whose instances describe the types of CompositeData values.
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport Describes an attribute of an open MBean.
OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport Describes a constructor of an Open MBean.
OpenMBeanInfoSupport The OpenMBeanInfoSupport class describes the management information of an open MBean: it is a subclass of MBeanInfo, and it implements the OpenMBeanInfo interface.
OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport Describes an operation of an Open MBean.
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport Describes a parameter used in one or more operations or constructors of an open MBean.
OpenType The OpenType class is the parent abstract class of all classes which describe the actual open type of open data values.
SimpleType The SimpleType class is the open type class whose instances describe all open data values which are neither arrays, nor CompositeData values, nor TabularData values.
TabularDataSupport The TabularDataSupport class is the open data class which implements the TabularData and the Map interfaces, and which is internally based on a hash map data structure.
TabularType The TabularType class is the open type class whose instances describe the types of TabularData values.

Exception Summary
InvalidKeyException This runtime exception is thrown to indicate that a method parameter which was expected to be an item name of a composite data or a row index of a tabular data is not valid.
InvalidOpenTypeException This runtime exception is thrown to indicate that the open type of an open data value is not the one expected.
KeyAlreadyExistsException This runtime exception is thrown to indicate that the index of a row to be added to a tabular data instance is already used to refer to another row in this tabular data instance.
OpenDataException This checked exception is thrown when an open type, an open data or an open MBean metadata info instance could not be constructed because one or more validity constraints were not met.

Package javax.management.openmbean Description

Provides the open data types and open mbean descriptors classes.

JMX 1.1

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.