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RelationSupportMBean (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface RelationSupportMBean

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public interface RelationSupportMBean
extends Relation

A RelationSupport object is used internally by the Relation Service to represent simple relations (only roles, no properties or methods), with an unlimited number of roles, of any relation type. As internal representation, it is not exposed to the user.

RelationSupport class conforms to the design patterns of standard MBean. So the user can decide to instantiate a RelationSupport object himself as a MBean (as it follows the MBean design patterns), to register it in the MBean Server, and then to add it in the Relation Service.

The user can also, when creating his own MBean relation class, have it extending RelationSupport, to retrieve the implementations of required interfaces (see below).

It is also possible to have in a user relation MBean class a member being a RelationSupport object, and to implement the required interfaces by delegating all to this member.

RelationSupport implements the Relation interface (to be handled by the Relation Service).

Method Summary
 Boolean isInRelationService()
          Returns an internal flag specifying if the object is still handled by the Relation Service.
 void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean theFlg)
          Specifies whether this relation is handled by the Relation Service.
Methods inherited from interface javax.management.relation.Relation
getAllRoles, getReferencedMBeans, getRelationId, getRelationServiceName, getRelationTypeName, getRole, getRoleCardinality, getRoles, handleMBeanUnregistration, retrieveAllRoles, setRole, setRoles

Method Detail


public Boolean isInRelationService()
Returns an internal flag specifying if the object is still handled by the Relation Service.

a Boolean equal to Boolean.TRUE if the object is still handled by the Relation Service and Boolean.FALSE otherwise.


public void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean theFlg)
                                      throws IllegalArgumentException

Specifies whether this relation is handled by the Relation Service.

BEWARE, this method has to be exposed as the Relation Service will access the relation through its management interface. It is RECOMMENDED NOT to use this method. Using it does not affect the registration of the relation object in the Relation Service, but will provide wrong information about it!

theFlg - whether the relation is handled by the Relation Service.
IllegalArgumentException - if null parameter

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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