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Java 2 Platform EE v1.3: Overview - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.3.1 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, v 1.3
API Specification

Compiled to .CHM by 貀vind Stegard

javax.activation The JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework is used by the JavaMail(TM) API to manage MIME data.
javax.ejb The javax.ejb package contains the Enterprise JavaBeans classes and interfaces that define the contracts between the enterprise bean and its clients and between the enterprise bean and the EJB container.
javax.ejb.spi The javax.ejb.spi package defines interfaces that are implemented by the EJB container.
javax.jms The Java Message Service (JMS) API provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise messaging system's messages.
javax.mail Classes modeling a mail system.
javax.mail.event Listeners and events for the JavaMail API.
javax.mail.internet Classes specific to Internet mail systems.
javax.mail.search Message search terms for the JavaMail API.
javax.resource The javax.resource package is the top-level package for the J2EE Connector API specification.
javax.resource.cci The javax.resource.cci package contains API specification for the Common Client Interface (CCI).
javax.resource.spi The javax.resource.spi package contains APIs for the system contracts defined in the J2EE Connector Architecture specification.
javax.resource.spi.security The javax.resource.spi.security package contains APIs for the security management contract.
javax.security.auth This package provides a framework for authentication and authorization.
javax.security.auth.callback This package provides the classes necessary for services to interact with applications in order to retrieve information (authentication data including usernames or passwords, for example) or to display information (error and warning messages, for example).
javax.security.auth.login This package provides a pluggable authentication framework.
javax.security.auth.spi This package provides the interface to be used for implementing pluggable authentication modules.
javax.servlet The javax.servlet package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contr acts between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for an insta nce of such a class by a conforming servlet container.
javax.servlet.http The javax.servlet.http package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contr acts between a servlet class running under the HTTP protocol and the runtime e nvironment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet co ntainer.
javax.servlet.jsp The javax.servlet.jsp package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a JSP page implementation class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming JSP container.
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext Classes and interfaces for the definition of JavaServer Pages Tag Libraries.
javax.sql Provides the API for server side data source access and processing from the JavaTM programming language.
javax.transaction Provides the API that defines the contract between the transaction manager and the various parties involved in a distributed transaction namely : resource manager, application, and application server.
javax.transaction.xa Provides the API that defines the contract between the transaction manager and the resource manager, which allows the transaction manager to enlist and delist resource objects (supplied by the resource manager driver) in JTA transactions.
javax.xml.parsers Provides classes allowing the processing of XML documents.
javax.xml.transform This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result.
javax.xml.transform.dom This package implements DOM-specific transformation APIs.
javax.xml.transform.sax This package implements SAX2-specific transformation APIs.
javax.xml.transform.stream This package implements stream- and URI- specific transformation APIs.
org.w3c.dom Provides the interfaces for the Document Object Model (DOM) which is a component API of the Java API for XML Processing.
org.xml.sax Provides the classes and interfaces for the Simple API for XML (SAX) which is a component of the Java API for XML Processing.
org.xml.sax.ext Provides extension classes and interfaces for the Simple API for XML (SAX) which is a component of the Java API for XML Processing.
org.xml.sax.helpers Provides helper classes for the Simple API for XML (SAX) which is a component of the Java API for XML Processing.