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Java 2 Platform EE v1.3: Package javax.security.auth.login - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.3.1 API Specifications

Package javax.security.auth.login

This package provides a pluggable authentication framework.


Class Summary
AppConfigurationEntry This class represents a single LoginModule entry configured for the application specified in the getAppConfigurationEntry(String appName) method in the Configuration class.
AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag This class represents whether or not a LoginModule is REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT or OPTIONAL.
Configuration This is an abstract class for representing the configuration of LoginModules under an application.
LoginContext The LoginContext class describes the basic methods used to authenticate Subjects and provides a way to develop an application independent of the underlying authentication technology.

Exception Summary
AccountExpiredException Signals that a user account has expired.
CredentialExpiredException Signals that a Credential has expired.
FailedLoginException Signals that user authentication failed.
LoginException This is the basic login exception.

Package javax.security.auth.login Description

This package provides a pluggable authentication framework.

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