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org.springframework.jdbc.core (Spring Framework) - Spring Framework 1.2.9 API 文档英文版

Package org.springframework.jdbc.core

Provides the core JDBC framework, based on JdbcTemplate and its associated callback interfaces and helper objects.


Interface Summary
BatchPreparedStatementSetter Callback interface used by the JdbcTemplate class.
CallableStatementCallback Generic callback interface for code that operates on a CallableStatement.
CallableStatementCreator One of the three central callback interfaces used by the JdbcTemplate class.
ConnectionCallback Generic callback interface for code that operates on a JDBC Connection.
DisposableSqlTypeValue Subinterface of SqlTypeValue that adds a cleanup callback, to be invoked after the value has been set and the corresponding statement has been executed.
JdbcOperations Interface specifying a basic set of JDBC operations.
ParameterDisposer Interface to be implemented by objects that can close resources allocated by parameters like SqlLobValues.
ParameterMapper Implement this interface when parameters need to be customized based on the connection.
PreparedStatementCallback Generic callback interface for code that operates on a PreparedStatement.
PreparedStatementCreator One of the two central callback interfaces used by the JdbcTemplate class.
PreparedStatementSetter Callback interface used by the JdbcTemplate class.
ResultReader Extension of RowCallbackHandler interface that saves the accumulated results as a List.
ResultSetExtractor Callback interface used by JdbcTemplate's query methods.
RowCallbackHandler An interface used by JdbcTemplate for processing rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
RowMapper An interface used by JdbcTemplate for mapping rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
SqlProvider Interface to be implemented by objects that can provide SQL strings.
SqlReturnType Interface to be implemented for retrieving values for more complex database specific types not supported by the standard getObject method.
SqlTypeValue Interface to be implemented for setting values for more complex database specific types not supported by the standard setObject method.
StatementCallback Generic callback interface for code that operates on a JDBC Statement.

Class Summary
CallableStatementCreatorFactory Helper class that can efficiently create multiple CallableStatementCreator objects with different parameters based on a SQL statement and a single set of parameter declarations.
ColumnMapRowMapper RowMapper implementation that creates a java.util.Map for each row, representing all columns as key-value pairs: one entry for each column, with the column name as key.
JdbcTemplate This is the central class in the JDBC core package.
PreparedStatementCreatorFactory Helper class that can efficiently create multiple PreparedStatementCreator objects with different parameters based on a SQL statement and a single set of parameter declarations.
ResultSetSupportingSqlParameter Common base class for ResultSet-supporting SqlParameters like SqlOutParameter and SqlReturnResultSet.
RowCountCallbackHandler Implementation of RowCallbackHandler.
RowMapperResultReader Adapter implementation of the ResultReader interface that delegates to a RowMapper which is supposed to create an object for each row.
SingleColumnRowMapper RowMapper implementation that converts a single column into a single result value per row.
SqlOutParameter Subclass of SqlParameter to represent an output parameter.
SqlParameter Object to represent a SQL parameter definition.
SqlReturnResultSet Represents a returned ResultSet from a stored procedure call.
SqlRowSetResultSetExtractor ResultSetExtractor implementation that returns a Spring SqlRowSet representation for each given ResultSet.
StatementCreatorUtils Utility methods for PreparedStatementSetter/Creator and CallableStatementCreator implementations, providing sophisticated parameter management (including support for LOB values).

Package org.springframework.jdbc.core Description

Provides the core JDBC framework, based on JdbcTemplate and its associated callback interfaces and helper objects.

Copyright (c) 2002-2007 The Spring Framework Project.