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ParameterDisposer (Spring Framework) - Spring Framework 1.2.9 API 文档英文版

Interface ParameterDisposer

public interface ParameterDisposer

Interface to be implemented by objects that can close resources allocated by parameters like SqlLobValues.

Typically implemented by PreparedStatementCreators and PreparedStatementSetters that support DisposableSqlTypeValue objects (e.g. SqlLobValue) as parameters.

Thomas Risberg, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
PreparedStatementCreator, PreparedStatementSetter, DisposableSqlTypeValue, SqlLobValue

Method Summary
 void cleanupParameters()
          Close the resources allocated by parameters that the implementing object holds, for example in case of a DisposableSqlTypeValue (like a SqlLobValue).

Method Detail


void cleanupParameters()
Close the resources allocated by parameters that the implementing object holds, for example in case of a DisposableSqlTypeValue (like a SqlLobValue).

See Also:
DisposableSqlTypeValue.cleanup(), SqlLobValue.cleanup()

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