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Uses of Interface org.openide.windows.Workspace (Window System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.windows 6.16

Uses of Interface

Uses of Workspace in org.openide.windows

Methods in org.openide.windows that return Workspace
 Workspace WindowManager.createWorkspace(String name)
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.createWorkspace(String name, String displayName)
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.findWorkspace(String name)
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.
abstract  Workspace WindowManager.getCurrentWorkspace()
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.
 Workspace Mode.getWorkspace()
          Deprecated. Do not use. Worskpaces are not supporeted anymore.
abstract  Workspace[] WindowManager.getWorkspaces()
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.

Methods in org.openide.windows that return types with arguments of type Workspace
 Set<Workspace> WindowManager.Component.whereOpened()
          Deprecated. Gets a list of workspaces where this component is currently open.

Methods in org.openide.windows with parameters of type Workspace
 boolean TopComponent.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)
          Deprecated. Do not use anymore. Use TopComponent.canClose() instead. Both parameters are redundant since workspaces are not supported anymore.
 boolean CloneableTopComponent.canClose(Workspace workspace, boolean last)
 void WindowManager.Component.close(Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Closes this component on a given workspace.
 boolean TopComponent.close(Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Use TopComponent.close() instead.
 boolean TopComponent.isOpened(Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Use TopComponent.isOpened() instead.
 void WindowManager.Component.open(Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Opens this component on a given workspace.
 void TopComponent.open(Workspace workspace)
          Deprecated. Use TopComponent.open() instead.
abstract  void WindowManager.setWorkspaces(Workspace[] workspaces)
          Deprecated. Do not use. Workspaces are not supported anymore.

org.openide.windows 6.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.