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Workspace (Window System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.windows 6.16

Interface Workspace

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. Do not use any more. Use WindowManager methods directly, e.g. WindowManager.getModes() etc.

public interface Workspace
extends Serializable

Represents one user workspace that holds a list of modes into which components can be assigned. Created by WindowManager. When serialized only keeps "weak" reference to this workspace does not stores the content of the workspace (it is responsibility of window manager).

Important note: Do not provide implementation of this interface unless you are window system provider!

Field Summary
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
static String PROP_MODES
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.PROP_MODES instead.
static String PROP_NAME
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
static long serialVersionUID
          Deprecated. Only public by accident.
Method Summary
 void activate()
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener list)
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) instead.
 Mode createMode(String name, String displayName, URL icon)
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant. Currently it returns default predefined Mode instance.
 Mode findMode(String name)
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.findMode(String) instead.
 Mode findMode(TopComponent c)
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.findMode(TopComponent) instead.
 Rectangle getBounds()
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
 String getDisplayName()
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
 Set<? extends Mode> getModes()
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.getModes() instead.
 String getName()
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
 void remove()
          Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener list)
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) instead.

Field Detail


static final String PROP_MODES
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.PROP_MODES instead.
Name of property for modes in the workspace.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String PROP_NAME
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
Name of property for the programmatic name of this workspace.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String PROP_DISPLAY_NAME
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.
Name of property for the display name of this workspace.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final long serialVersionUID
Deprecated. Only public by accident.
Do not use.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String getName()
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.

Gets the unique programmatic name of this workspace. Used e.g. by WindowManager.findWorkspace(java.lang.String).

the code name of this workspace


String getDisplayName()
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.

Get human-presentable name of the workspace which will be used for displaying.

the display name of the workspace


Set<? extends Mode> getModes()
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.getModes() instead.

Gets a list of all modes on this workspace.

a set of all Modes known on this workspace


Rectangle getBounds()
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.

Get bounds of the workspace. Returned value has slighly different meaning for SDI and MDI mode. Modules should use this method for correct positioning of their windows.

In SDI, returns bounds relative to whole screen, returns bounds of the part of screen below main window (or above main window, if main window is on bottom part of the screen).
In MDI, bounds are relative to the main window; returned value represents 'client area' of the main window


void activate()
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.

Activates this workspace to be current one. This leads to change of current workspace of the WindowManager.


Mode createMode(String name,
                String displayName,
                URL icon)
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant. Currently it returns default predefined Mode instance.

Create a new mode.

name - a unique programmatic name of the mode
displayName - a human presentable (probably localized) name of the mode (may be used by the Dock Into submenu, e.g.)
icon - a URL to the icon to use for the mode (e.g. on a tab or window corner); may be null
the new mode


Mode findMode(String name)
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.findMode(String) instead.

Search all modes on this workspace by name.

name - the name of the mode to search for
the mode with that name, or null if no such mode can be found


Mode findMode(TopComponent c)
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.findMode(TopComponent) instead.

Finds mode the component is in on this workspace.

c - component to find mode for
the mode or null if the component is not visible on this workspace


void remove()
Deprecated. Do no use. It is redundant.

Removes this workspace from set of workspaces in window manager.


void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener list)
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) instead.

Add a property change listener.

list - the listener to add


void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener list)
Deprecated. Use WindowManager.removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) instead.

Remove a property change listener.

list - the listener to remove

org.openide.windows 6.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.