org.openide.util 7.9.0 1 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AsyncGUIJob | Service provider interface (SPI) for executing of time consuming task which results are visible in UI. |
Cancellable | Service provider interface (SPI) for adding cancel support to various jobs. |
ContextAwareAction | Interface to be implemented by an action whose behavior is dependent on some context. |
ContextGlobalProvider | An interface that can be registered in a lookup by subsystems wish to provide a global context actions should react to. |
Enumerations.Processor<T,R> | Processor interface that can filter out objects from the enumeration, change them or add aditional objects to the end of the current enumeration. |
HelpCtx.Provider | An object implementing this interface is willing to answer the HelpCtx.findHelp() query itself. |
Lookup.Provider | Objects implementing interface Lookup.Provider are capable of and willing to provide a lookup (usually bound to the object). |
LookupListener | General listener for changes in lookup. |
Mutex.Action<T> | Action to be executed in a mutex without throwing any checked exceptions. |
Mutex.ExceptionAction<T> | Action to be executed in a mutex, possibly throwing checked exceptions. |
NbBundle.ClassLoaderFinder | Deprecated. Useless. |
TaskListener | Listener which can be notifies when a task finishes. |
Class Summary | |
ChangeSupport | A simple equivalent of PropertyChangeSupport for
ChangeListener s. |
Enumerations | Factory methods for various types of Enumeration . |
Exceptions | Useful utility and methods to work with exceptions as described in detail in the NetBeans logging guide. |
HelpCtx | Provides help for any window or other feature in the system. |
Lookup | A general registry permitting clients to find instances of services (implementation of a given interface). |
Lookup.Item<T> | A single item in a lookup result. |
Lookup.Result<T> | Result of a lookup request. |
Lookup.Template<T> | Template defining a pattern to filter instances by. |
LookupEvent | An event describing the change in the lookup's result. |
MapFormat | A text format similar to MessageFormat
but using string rather than numeric keys. |
Mutex | Read-many/write-one lock. |
Mutex.Privileged | Provides access to Mutex's internal methods. |
NbBundle | Convenience class permitting easy loading of localized resources of various sorts. |
NbCollections | Utilities for working with generics. |
NbPreferences | Provides an implementation of the Preferences API which may be backed by a NetBeans-specific implementation. |
Parameters | Utilities for checking the values of method parameters. |
Queue<T> | Deprecated. Use BlockingQueue instead. |
RequestProcessor | Request processor that is capable to execute requests in dedicated threads. |
SharedClassObject | Shared object that allows different instances of the same class to share common data. |
Task | A task that may be executed in a separate thread and permits examination of its status. |
Union2<First,Second> | A union type which can contain one of two kinds of objects. |
Utilities | Otherwise uncategorized useful static methods. |
WeakListeners | A generic weak listener factory. |
WeakSet<E> | Set which holds its members by using of WeakReferences. |
Exception Summary | |
MutexException | Encapsulates other exceptions thrown from a mutex method. |
NotImplementedException | Should be thrown when a feature is not implemented. |
TopologicalSortException | Exception that signals that a topological sort failed due to unsortable nature of the graph and that provides support for reporting and recovering from that state. |
UserCancelException | Exception that is thrown when user cancels interaction so the requested result cannot be produced. |
UserQuestionException | Exception that is thrown when the process is about to perform some action that requires user confirmation. |
Utilities.UnorderableException | Deprecated. Used only by the deprecated partialSort |
A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs.
org.openide.util 7.9.0 1 | |||||||||