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MapFormat (Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.util 7.9.0 1

Class MapFormat

  extended by java.text.Format
      extended by org.openide.util.MapFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class MapFormat
extends Format

A text format similar to MessageFormat but using string rather than numeric keys. You might use use this formatter like this:

MapFormat.format("Hello {name}", map);
Or to have more control over it:
 Map m = new HashMap ();
 m.put ("KEY", "value");
 MapFormat f = new MapFormat (m);
 f.setLeftBrace ("__");
 f.setRightBrace ("__");
 String result = f.format ("the __KEY__ here");

See Also:
MessageFormat, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.text.Format
Constructor Summary
MapFormat(Map arguments)
Method Summary
 StringBuffer format(Object pat, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fpos)
          Formats the parsed string by inserting table's values.
static String format(String pattern, Map arguments)
          Designated method.
 String getLeftBrace()
          Returns string used as left brace
 Map getMap()
          Returns argument map
 String getRightBrace()
          Returns string used as right brace
 boolean isExactMatch()
          Test whether both brackets are required in the expression.
 String parse(String source)
          Parses the string.
 Object parseObject(String text, ParsePosition status)
          Parses the string.
protected  Object processKey(String key)
          Returns the value for given key.
 String processPattern(String newPattern)
          Scans the pattern and prepares internal variables.
 void setExactMatch(boolean flag)
          Specify whether both brackets are required in the expression.
 void setLeftBrace(String delimiter)
          Sets string used as left brace
 void setMap(Map map)
          Sets argument map This map should contain key-value pairs with key values used in formatted string expression.
 void setRightBrace(String delimiter)
          Sets string used as right brace
 void setThrowExceptionIfKeyWasNotFound(boolean flag)
          Specify whether formatter will throw exception if object for key was not found.
 boolean willThrowExceptionIfKeyWasNotFound()
          Test whether formatter will throw exception if object for key was not found.
Methods inherited from class java.text.Format
clone, format, formatToCharacterIterator, parseObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MapFormat(Map arguments)
Constructor. For common work use format(pattern, arguments) .

arguments - keys and values to use in the format
Method Detail


public static String format(String pattern,
                            Map arguments)
Designated method. It gets the string, initializes HashFormat object and returns converted string. It scans pattern for {} brackets, then parses enclosed string and replaces it with argument's get() value.

pattern - String to be parsed.
arguments - Map with key-value pairs to replace.
Formatted string


protected Object processKey(String key)
Returns the value for given key. Subclass may define its own beahvior of this method. For example, if key is not defined, subclass can return string.

key - Key.
Value for this key.


public String processPattern(String newPattern)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Scans the pattern and prepares internal variables.

newPattern - String to be parsed.
IllegalArgumentException - if number of arguments exceeds BUFSIZE or parser found unmatched brackets (this exception should be switched off using setExactMatch(false)).


public StringBuffer format(Object pat,
                           StringBuffer result,
                           FieldPosition fpos)
Formats the parsed string by inserting table's values.

Specified by:
format in class Format
pat - a string pattern
result - Buffer to be used for result.
fpos - position
Formatted string


public Object parseObject(String text,
                          ParsePosition status)
Parses the string. Does not yet handle recursion (where the substituted strings contain %n references.)

Specified by:
parseObject in class Format


public String parse(String source)
Parses the string. Does not yet handle recursion (where the substituted strings contain {n} references.)

New format.


public boolean willThrowExceptionIfKeyWasNotFound()
Test whether formatter will throw exception if object for key was not found. If given map does not contain object for key specified, it could throw an exception. Returns true if throws. If not, key is left unchanged.


public void setThrowExceptionIfKeyWasNotFound(boolean flag)
Specify whether formatter will throw exception if object for key was not found. If given map does not contain object for key specified, it could throw an exception. If does not throw, key is left unchanged.

flag - If true, formatter throws IllegalArgumentException.


public boolean isExactMatch()
Test whether both brackets are required in the expression. If not, use setExactMatch(false) and formatter will ignore missing right bracket. Advanced feature.


public void setExactMatch(boolean flag)
Specify whether both brackets are required in the expression. If not, use setExactMatch(false) and formatter will ignore missing right bracket. Advanced feature.

flag - If true, formatter will ignore missing right bracket (default = false)


public String getLeftBrace()
Returns string used as left brace


public void setLeftBrace(String delimiter)
Sets string used as left brace

delimiter - Left brace.


public String getRightBrace()
Returns string used as right brace


public void setRightBrace(String delimiter)
Sets string used as right brace

delimiter - Right brace.


public Map getMap()
Returns argument map


public void setMap(Map map)
Sets argument map This map should contain key-value pairs with key values used in formatted string expression. If value for key was not found, formatter leave key unchanged (except if you've set setThrowExceptionIfKeyWasNotFound(true), then it fires IllegalArgumentException.

map - the argument map

org.openide.util 7.9.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.