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Uses of Class org.openide.util.Lookup (Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.util 7.9.0 1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Lookup
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 
org.openide.util.actions There are several types of standard actions that should be used for many user interactions within NetBeans. 
org.openide.util.lookup Support classes for the Registration and Lookup extension mechanism. 

Uses of Lookup in org.openide.util

Fields in org.openide.util declared as Lookup
static Lookup Lookup.EMPTY
          A dummy lookup that never returns any results.

Methods in org.openide.util that return Lookup
static Lookup Utilities.actionsGlobalContext()
          Global context for actions.
 Lookup ContextGlobalProvider.createGlobalContext()
          Creates the context in form of Lookup.
static Lookup Lookup.getDefault()
          Static method to obtain the global lookup in the whole system.
 Lookup Lookup.Provider.getLookup()
          Returns lookup associated with the object.

Methods in org.openide.util with parameters of type Lookup
static JPopupMenu Utilities.actionsToPopup(Action[] actions, Lookup context)
          Builds a popup menu from actions for provided context specified by Lookup.
 Action ContextAwareAction.createContextAwareInstance(Lookup actionContext)
          Creates action instance for provided context.

Uses of Lookup in org.openide.util.actions

Methods in org.openide.util.actions with parameters of type Lookup
 Action CallbackSystemAction.createContextAwareInstance(Lookup actionContext)
          Implements ContextAwareAction interface method.

Uses of Lookup in org.openide.util.lookup

Subclasses of Lookup in org.openide.util.lookup
 class AbstractLookup
          Implementation of the lookup from OpenAPIs that is based on the introduction of Item.
 class ProxyLookup
          Implementation of lookup that can delegate to others.

Methods in org.openide.util.lookup that return Lookup
static Lookup Lookups.exclude(Lookup lookup, Class... classes)
          Creates a lookup that wraps another one and filters out instances of specified classes.
static Lookup Lookups.fixed(Object... objectsToLookup)
          Creates a lookup that contains an array of objects specified via the parameter.
<T,R> Lookup
Lookups.fixed(T[] keys, InstanceContent.Convertor<? super T,R> convertor)
          Creates a lookup that contains an array of objects specified via the parameter.
static Lookup Lookups.forPath(String path)
          Creates a named lookup.
protected  Lookup[] ProxyLookup.getLookups()
          Getter for the delegates.
static Lookup Lookups.metaInfServices(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Returns a lookup that implements the JDK1.3 JAR services mechanism and delegates to META-INF/services/name.of.class files.
static Lookup Lookups.metaInfServices(ClassLoader classLoader, String prefix)
          Returns a lookup that behaves exactly as the one created metaInfServices(ClassLoader) except that it does not read data from META-INF/services, but instead from the specified prefix.
static Lookup Lookups.proxy(Lookup.Provider provider)
          Creates a lookup that delegates to another one but that one can change from time to time.
static Lookup Lookups.singleton(Object objectToLookup)
          Creates a singleton lookup.

Methods in org.openide.util.lookup with parameters of type Lookup
static Lookup Lookups.exclude(Lookup lookup, Class... classes)
          Creates a lookup that wraps another one and filters out instances of specified classes.
protected  void ProxyLookup.setLookups(Lookup... lookups)
          Changes the delegates.

Constructors in org.openide.util.lookup with parameters of type Lookup
ProxyLookup(Lookup... lookups)
          Create a proxy to some other lookups.

org.openide.util 7.9.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.