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NodeOperation (Nodes API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Class NodeOperation

  extended by org.openide.nodes.NodeOperation

public abstract class NodeOperation
extends Object

Provides common operations on nodes. Any component may ask to open a customizer for, or explore, any node.


Constructor Summary
protected NodeOperation()
          Subclass constructor.
Method Summary
abstract  boolean customize(Node n)
          Tries to open a customization dialog for the specified node.
abstract  void explore(Node n)
          Explore a node (and its subhierarchy).
static NodeOperation getDefault()
          Get default instance from lookup.
 Node select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root)
          Open a modal Explorer accepting only a single node.
 Node[] select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor)
          Open a modal Explorer without any extra dialog component.
abstract  Node[] select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor, Component top)
          Open a modal Explorer on a root node, permitting a node selection to be returned.
abstract  void showProperties(Node n)
          Open a modal Property Sheet on a node.
abstract  void showProperties(Node[] n)
          Open a modal Property Sheet on a set of nodes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected NodeOperation()
Subclass constructor.

Method Detail


public static NodeOperation getDefault()
Get default instance from lookup.

some instance


public abstract boolean customize(Node n)
Tries to open a customization dialog for the specified node. The dialog is modal and the function returns only after customization is finished, if it was possible.

n - the node to customize
true if the node had a customizer, false if not
See Also:
Node.hasCustomizer(), Node.getCustomizer()


public abstract void explore(Node n)
Explore a node (and its subhierarchy). It will be opened in a new Explorer view, as the root node of that window.

n - the node to explore


public abstract void showProperties(Node n)
Open a modal Property Sheet on a node.

n - the node to show properties of


public abstract void showProperties(Node[] n)
Open a modal Property Sheet on a set of nodes.

n - the array of nodes to show properties of
See Also:


public abstract Node[] select(String title,
                              String rootTitle,
                              Node root,
                              NodeAcceptor acceptor,
                              Component top)
                       throws UserCancelException
Open a modal Explorer on a root node, permitting a node selection to be returned.

The acceptor should be asked each time the set of selected nodes changes, whether to accept or reject the current result. This will affect for example the display of the "OK" button.

title - title of the dialog
rootTitle - label at root of dialog. May use & for a mnemonic.
root - root node to explore
acceptor - class asked to accept or reject current selection
top - an extra component to be placed on the dialog (may be null)
an array of selected (and accepted) nodes
UserCancelException - if the selection is interrupted by the user


public Node[] select(String title,
                     String rootTitle,
                     Node root,
                     NodeAcceptor acceptor)
              throws UserCancelException
Open a modal Explorer without any extra dialog component.

title - title of the dialog
rootTitle - label at root of dialog. May use & for a mnemonic.
root - root node to explore
acceptor - class asked to accept or reject current selection
an array of selected (and accepted) nodes
UserCancelException - if the selection is interrupted by the user
See Also:
select(String, String, Node, NodeAcceptor, Component)


public final Node select(String title,
                         String rootTitle,
                         Node root)
                  throws UserCancelException
Open a modal Explorer accepting only a single node.

title - title of the dialog
rootTitle - label at root of dialog. May use & for a mnemonic.
root - root node to explore
the selected node
UserCancelException - if the selection is interrupted by the user
See Also:
select(String, String, Node, NodeAcceptor)

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.