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Children.Map (Nodes API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Class Children.Map<T>

  extended by org.openide.nodes.Children
      extended by org.openide.nodes.Children.Map<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class Children.Map<T>
extends Children

Implements the storage of node children by a map. This class also permits association of a key with any node and to remove nodes by key. Subclasses should reasonably implement add(org.openide.nodes.Node[]) and remove(T).

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
Children.Array, Children.Keys<T>, Children.Map<T>, Children.SortedArray, Children.SortedMap<T>
Field Summary
protected  Map<T,Node> nodes
          A map to use to store children in.
Fields inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new list using HashMap.
protected Children.Map(Map<T,Node> m)
          Constructs a new list with a supplied map object.
Method Summary
 boolean add(Node[] arr)
          Does nothing.
protected  Map<T,Node> initMap()
          Initialize some nodes.
protected  void put(T key, Node node)
          Add one key and one node to the list.
protected  void putAll(Map<? extends T,? extends Node> map)
          Add a collection of new key/value pairs into the map.
protected  void refresh()
          Allows subclasses that directly modifies the map with nodes to synchronize the state of the children.
protected  void refreshKey(T key)
          Allows subclasses that directly modifies the map with nodes to synchronize the state of the children.
 boolean remove(Node[] arr)
          Does nothing.
protected  void remove(T key)
          Remove a given child node from the list by its key.
protected  void removeAll(Collection<? extends T> keys)
          Remove some children from the list by key.
Methods inherited from class org.openide.nodes.Children
addNotify, clone, findChild, getNode, getNodes, getNodes, getNodesCount, isInitialized, nodes, removeNotify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map<T,Node> nodes
A map to use to store children in. Keys are Objects, values are Nodes. Do not modify elements in the map! Use it only for read access.

Constructor Detail


protected Children.Map(Map<T,Node> m)
Constructs a new list with a supplied map object. Should be used by subclasses desiring an alternate storage method. The map must not be explicitly modified after creation.

m - the map to use for this list


public Children.Map()
Constructs a new list using HashMap.

Method Detail


protected final void refresh()
Allows subclasses that directly modifies the map with nodes to synchronize the state of the children.


protected final void refreshKey(T key)
Allows subclasses that directly modifies the map with nodes to synchronize the state of the children.

key - the key that should be refreshed


protected final void putAll(Map<? extends T,? extends Node> map)
Add a collection of new key/value pairs into the map. The supplied map may contain any keys, but the values must be Nodes.

map - the map with pairs to add


protected final void put(T key,
                         Node node)
Add one key and one node to the list.

key - the key
node - the node


protected final void removeAll(Collection<? extends T> keys)
Remove some children from the list by key.

keys - collection of keys to remove


protected void remove(T key)
Remove a given child node from the list by its key.

key - key to remove


protected Map<T,Node> initMap()
Initialize some nodes. Allows a subclass to provide a default map to initialize the map with. Called only if the map has not been provided in the constructor.

The default implementation returns new HashMap (7).

a map from keys to nodes


public boolean add(Node[] arr)
Does nothing. Should be reimplemented in a subclass wishing to support external addition of nodes.

Specified by:
add in class Children
arr - nodes to add
false in the default implementation


public boolean remove(Node[] arr)
Does nothing. Should be reimplemented in a subclass wishing to support external removal of nodes.

Specified by:
remove in class Children
arr - nodes to remove
false in the default implementation

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.