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org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf (Tab Control) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Package org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf

Interface Summary
TabCellRenderer Interface for a component that can render a tab and handle other aspects of its functionality.
TabLayoutModel A model representing the visual layout of tabs in a TabDataModel as a set of rectangles.
TabPainter An extention to Border which can provide a non-rectangular interior region that will contain the tab's content, and actually paint that interior.

Class Summary
AbstractTabCellRenderer Base class for tab renderers for the tab control.
AbstractTabDisplayerUI Base class for the implementations of TabDisplayerUI in this package.
AbstractViewTabDisplayerUI Basic UI class for view tabs - non scrollable tabbed displayer, which shows all tabs equally sized, proportionally.
AquaEditorTabDisplayerUI A provisional look and feel for OS-X, round 2, using Java2d to emulate the aqua look.
AquaViewTabDisplayerUI A view tabs ui for OS-X adapted from the view tabs UI for Metal.
BasicScrollingTabDisplayerUI Base class for tab displayers that have scrollable tabs.
BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI Common UI for sliding tabs.
BasicTabDisplayerUI Base class for tab displayer UIs which use cell renderers to display tabs.
ChicletWrapper GenericGlowingChiclet works nicely to draw Aqua-style decorations, but is a bit slow.
DefaultTabbedContainerUI Default UI implementation for tabbed containers.
DefaultTabLayoutModel Default implementation of TabLayoutModel.
EqualPolygon A Polygon which implements a proper equals/hashcode contract.
FxProvider Class which can provide sliding or other eye-candy effects as a component is displayed.
GtkEditorTabDisplayerUI Gtk impl of tabs ui
GtkViewTabDisplayerUI GTK user interface of view type tabs.
MetalEditorTabDisplayerUI Tab displayer UI for Metal look and feel
MetalViewTabDisplayerUI User interface of view type tabs designed to be consistent with Swing metal look and feel.
ScrollingTabLayoutModel Layout model which manages an offset into a set of scrollable tabs, and recalculates its layout on a change.
SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI Button UI that can paint rotated text, which is used by BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.
SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI.Aqua Aqua ui for sliding buttons.
TabState Used by BasicTabDisplayerUI and its subclasses.
ToolbarTabDisplayerUI A TabDisplayerUI which uses a JToolBar and JButtons.
WinClassicEditorTabDisplayerUI Windows classic impl of tabs ui
WinClassicViewTabDisplayerUI Windows classic-like user interface of view type tabs.
WinVistaEditorTabDisplayerUI Windows Vista impl of tabs ui
WinVistaViewTabDisplayerUI Win Vista-like user interface of view type tabs.
WinXPEditorTabDisplayerUI Windows xp impl of tabs ui
WinXPViewTabDisplayerUI Win XP-like user interface of view type tabs.

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.