org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
TabCellRenderer | Interface for a component that can render a tab and handle other aspects of its functionality. |
TabLayoutModel | A model representing the visual layout of tabs in a TabDataModel as a set of rectangles. |
TabPainter | An extention to Border which can provide a non-rectangular interior region that will contain the tab's content, and actually paint that interior. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractTabCellRenderer | Base class for tab renderers for the tab control. |
AbstractTabDisplayerUI | Base class for the implementations of TabDisplayerUI in this package. |
AbstractViewTabDisplayerUI | Basic UI class for view tabs - non scrollable tabbed displayer, which shows all tabs equally sized, proportionally. |
AquaEditorTabDisplayerUI | A provisional look and feel for OS-X, round 2, using Java2d to emulate the aqua look. |
AquaSlidingButtonUI | |
AquaViewTabDisplayerUI | A view tabs ui for OS-X adapted from the view tabs UI for Metal. |
BasicScrollingTabDisplayerUI | Base class for tab displayers that have scrollable tabs. |
BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI | Common UI for sliding tabs. |
BasicTabDisplayerUI | Base class for tab displayer UIs which use cell renderers to display tabs. |
ChicletWrapper | GenericGlowingChiclet works nicely to draw Aqua-style decorations, but is a bit slow. |
DefaultTabbedContainerUI | Default UI implementation for tabbed containers. |
DefaultTabLayoutModel | Default implementation of TabLayoutModel. |
EqualPolygon | A Polygon which implements a proper equals/hashcode contract. |
FxProvider | Class which can provide sliding or other eye-candy effects as a component is displayed. |
GtkEditorTabDisplayerUI | Gtk impl of tabs ui |
GtkSlidingButtonUI | |
GtkViewTabDisplayerUI | GTK user interface of view type tabs. |
MetalEditorTabDisplayerUI | Tab displayer UI for Metal look and feel |
MetalSlidingButtonUI | |
MetalViewTabDisplayerUI | User interface of view type tabs designed to be consistent with Swing metal look and feel. |
ScrollingTabLayoutModel | Layout model which manages an offset into a set of scrollable tabs, and recalculates its layout on a change. |
SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI | Button UI that can paint rotated text, which is used by BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI . |
SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI.Aqua | Aqua ui for sliding buttons. |
TabState | Used by BasicTabDisplayerUI and its subclasses. |
ToolbarTabDisplayerUI | A TabDisplayerUI which uses a JToolBar and JButtons. |
WinClassicEditorTabDisplayerUI | Windows classic impl of tabs ui |
WinClassicViewTabDisplayerUI | Windows classic-like user interface of view type tabs. |
WindowsSlidingButtonUI | |
WinVistaEditorTabDisplayerUI | Windows Vista impl of tabs ui |
WinVistaSlidingButtonUI | |
WinVistaViewTabDisplayerUI | Win Vista-like user interface of view type tabs. |
WinXPEditorTabDisplayerUI | Windows xp impl of tabs ui |
WinXPSlidingButtonUI | |
WinXPViewTabDisplayerUI | Win XP-like user interface of view type tabs. |
org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8 | |||||||||