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SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI (Tab Control) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Class SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI

  extended by javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
      extended by javax.swing.plaf.ButtonUI
          extended by javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
              extended by javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToggleButtonUI
                  extended by org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI
extends BasicToggleButtonUI

Button UI that can paint rotated text, which is used by BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI. Uses the lightweight HTML renderer for good performance when rendering HTML strings. It is intended as a UI for BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton. Provide a subclass of this class via UIDefaults to change the painting behavior or appearance of the tab buttons in "sliding" style tabbed controls. Typically the only method of interest when subclassing is paintBackground(java.awt.Graphics2D, org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf.BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton).

As with its superclass BasicToggleButtonUI, instances of this class should be stateless, such that a single instance can manage any number of buttons.

See Also:
BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI, TabbedContainer.TYPE_SLIDING

Nested Class Summary
static class SlidingTabDisplayerButtonUI.Aqua
          Aqua ui for sliding buttons.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
defaultTextIconGap, defaultTextShiftOffset
Method Summary
static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
 Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c)
 Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
 Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
protected  void installBorder(AbstractButton b)
          Install a border on the button
 void installDefaults(AbstractButton b)
          Overridden to not call super.installDefaults() and only set the button to be non-focusable
 void installUI(JComponent c)
          Overridden to not install keyboard actions (the buttons aren't focusable anyway) and not invoke the overhead of BasicHTML
 void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c)
          Provides the painting logic.
protected  void paintBackground(Graphics2D g, BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton b)
          Paints the tab background
protected  void paintIconAndText(Graphics2D g, BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton b, Object orientation)
          Paints the icon and text using the HTML mini renderer
 void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
          Overridden to not uninstall keyboard actions (the buttons aren't focusable anyway) and not invoke the overhead of BasicHTML
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToggleButtonUI
getPropertyPrefix, getTextShiftOffset, paintIcon
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
clearTextShiftOffset, createButtonListener, getDefaultTextIconGap, installKeyboardActions, installListeners, paintButtonPressed, paintFocus, paintIcon, paintText, paintText, setTextShiftOffset, uninstallDefaults, uninstallKeyboardActions, uninstallListeners
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
contains, getAccessibleChild, getAccessibleChildrenCount, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)


public void installUI(JComponent c)
Overridden to not install keyboard actions (the buttons aren't focusable anyway) and not invoke the overhead of BasicHTML

installUI in class BasicButtonUI


protected void installBorder(AbstractButton b)
Install a border on the button


public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
Overridden to not uninstall keyboard actions (the buttons aren't focusable anyway) and not invoke the overhead of BasicHTML

uninstallUI in class BasicButtonUI


public void installDefaults(AbstractButton b)
Overridden to not call super.installDefaults() and only set the button to be non-focusable

installDefaults in class BasicButtonUI


public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
getMinimumSize in class BasicButtonUI


public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
getPreferredSize in class BasicButtonUI


public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c)
getMaximumSize in class BasicButtonUI


public final void paint(Graphics g,
                        JComponent c)
Provides the painting logic. Note that this does not call any of the painting methods of BasicToggleButtonUI

paint in class BasicToggleButtonUI


protected void paintBackground(Graphics2D g,
                               BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton b)
Paints the tab background


protected final void paintIconAndText(Graphics2D g,
                                      BasicSlidingTabDisplayerUI.IndexButton b,
                                      Object orientation)
Paints the icon and text using the HTML mini renderer

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.