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Uses of Class org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.TabData (Tab Control) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Uses of Class

Packages that use TabData

Uses of TabData in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol that return TabData
 TabData SlidingButton.getData()
 TabData TabDataModel.getTab(int index)
          Retrieve data for a given tab
 TabData DefaultTabDataModel.getTab(int index)

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol that return types with arguments of type TabData
 List<TabData> TabDataModel.getTabs()
          Retrieve all the tab data contained in the model as a List
 List<TabData> DefaultTabDataModel.getTabs()

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol with parameters of type TabData
 void TabDataModel.addTab(int index, TabData data)
          Add a single tab at the specified location
 void DefaultTabDataModel.addTab(int index, TabData data)
 void TabDataModel.addTabs(int[] indices, TabData[] data)
          Add the specified tabs at the specified indices
 void DefaultTabDataModel.addTabs(int[] indices, TabData[] data)
 void TabDataModel.addTabs(int start, TabData[] data)
          Atomically add a set of tabs at the specified index
 void DefaultTabDataModel.addTabs(int start, TabData[] data)
 void TabbedContainer.cancelRequestAttention(TabData data)
 Component ComponentConverter.getComponent(TabData data)
 Component ComponentConverter.Fixed.getComponent(TabData data)
 int TabDataModel.indexOf(TabData td)
          Fetch the index of a tab matching the passed TabData object.
 int DefaultTabDataModel.indexOf(TabData td)
 boolean TabbedContainer.requestAttention(TabData data)
          Cause the specified tab to blink or otherwisse suggest that the user should click it.
 boolean TabDisplayer.requestAttention(TabData data)
 void TabDataModel.setTab(int index, TabData data)
          Set the tab data for a given tab to the passed value
 void DefaultTabDataModel.setTab(int index, TabData data)
 void TabDataModel.setTabs(TabData[] data)
          Replace the entire set of tabs represented by the model
 void DefaultTabDataModel.setTabs(TabData[] data)

Constructors in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol with parameters of type TabData
DefaultTabDataModel(TabData[] data)
          Testing constructor
SlidingButton(TabData buttonData, int orientation)
          Create a new button representing TabData from the model.

Uses of TabData in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.event

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.event that return TabData
 TabData[] ComplexListDataEvent.getAffectedItems()
 TabData[] ArrayDiff.getNewData()
          Get the array representing the new state
 TabData[] ArrayDiff.getOldData()
          Get the array representing the old state

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.event with parameters of type TabData
static ArrayDiff ArrayDiff.createDiff(TabData[] old, TabData[] nue)
          Returns an ArrayDiff object if the two arrays are not the same, or null if they are
static ArrayDiff ArrayDiff.createDiff(TabData[] old, TabData[] nue)
          Returns an ArrayDiff object if the two arrays are not the same, or null if they are
 void ComplexListDataEvent.setAffectedItems(TabData[] td)

Constructors in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.event with parameters of type TabData
VeryComplexListDataEvent(Object source, TabData[] old, TabData[] nue)
          Creates a new instance of VeryComplexListDataEvent
VeryComplexListDataEvent(Object source, TabData[] old, TabData[] nue)
          Creates a new instance of VeryComplexListDataEvent

Uses of TabData in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf

Methods in org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol.plaf with parameters of type TabData
 JComponent TabCellRenderer.getRendererComponent(TabData data, Rectangle bounds, int state)
          Configures and returns a component which can appropriately paint the passed tab in its current state
 JComponent AbstractTabCellRenderer.getRendererComponent(TabData data, Rectangle bounds, int state)
          Implementation of getRendererComponent from TabCellRenderer.
protected  Component DefaultTabbedContainerUI.toComp(TabData data)
          Convenience method for fetching a component from a TabData object via the container's ComponentConverter

org.netbeans.swing.tabcontrol 1.8

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.