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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatTokenPosition (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FormatTokenPosition
org.netbeans.editor.ext Completion Design View 

Uses of FormatTokenPosition in org.netbeans.editor.ext

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext that return FormatTokenPosition
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.changeLineIndent(FormatTokenPosition pos, int indent)
          Change the indentation of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findImportant(FormatTokenPosition startPosition, FormatTokenPosition limitPosition, boolean stopOnEOL, boolean backward)
          Get the first position that is not whitespace and that is not comment.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineEnd(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the ending position of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findLineEndNonImportant(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the start of the area of line where there is only whitespace or comment till the end of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineEndWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Return the ending whitespace on the line or null if there's no such token on the given line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findLineFirstImportant(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first non-whitespace and non-comment token or null.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineFirstNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Return the first non-whitespace character on the line or null if there is no non-WS char on the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineStart(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the starting position of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findNextEOL(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first EOL in forward direction.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition startPosition, FormatTokenPosition limitPosition, boolean stopOnEOL, boolean backward)
          Get the first non-whitespace position in the given direction.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findPreviousEOL(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first EOL in backward direction.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatWriter.getFormatStartPosition()
          Get the first token that should be formatted.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getFormatStartPosition()
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getLastPosition()
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the next successive token-position after the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the next position of the position given by parameters.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
          Get the token position that corresponds to the given token and offset.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatWriter.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position that corresponds to the given offset inside the given token.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(TokenItem token, int offset)
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(TokenItem token, int offset, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the previous position of the position given by parameters.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatWriter.getTextStartPosition()
          Get the first position that doesn't belong to the document.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getTextStartPosition()
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.removeLineEndWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Remove the ending whitespace from the line.

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext with parameters of type FormatTokenPosition
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.changeLineIndent(FormatTokenPosition pos, int indent)
          Change the indentation of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findImportant(FormatTokenPosition startPosition, FormatTokenPosition limitPosition, boolean stopOnEOL, boolean backward)
          Get the first position that is not whitespace and that is not comment.
 int ExtFormatSupport.findLineDistance(FormatTokenPosition fromPosition, FormatTokenPosition toPosition)
          Find how many EOLs is between two token-position.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineEnd(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the ending position of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findLineEndNonImportant(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the start of the area of line where there is only whitespace or comment till the end of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineEndWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Return the ending whitespace on the line or null if there's no such token on the given line.
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.findLineFirstImportant(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first non-whitespace and non-comment token or null.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineFirstNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Return the first non-whitespace character on the line or null if there is no non-WS char on the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findLineStart(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the starting position of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findNextEOL(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first EOL in forward direction.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition startPosition, FormatTokenPosition limitPosition, boolean stopOnEOL, boolean backward)
          Get the first non-whitespace position in the given direction.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.findPreviousEOL(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the first EOL in backward direction.
 char ExtFormatSupport.getChar(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the character at the given position.
 int FormatSupport.getLineIndent(FormatTokenPosition pos, boolean zeroForWSLine)
          Get the indentation of the line.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the next successive token-position after the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getNextPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 FormatTokenPosition FormatSupport.getPreviousPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos, Position.Bias bias)
          Get the token-position preceeding the given one.
 int FormatSupport.getVisualColumnOffset(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Get the column-offset of the tokenItem on its line.
 void FormatSupport.insertString(FormatTokenPosition pos, String text)
 boolean FormatWriter.isAfter(FormatTokenPosition testedPosition, FormatTokenPosition afterPosition)
          Checks whether the tested position is after some other position.
 boolean FormatSupport.isAfter(FormatTokenPosition testedPosition, FormatTokenPosition afterPosition)
 boolean FormatWriter.isChainStartPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Check whether this is the first position in the chain of tokens.
 boolean FormatSupport.isChainStartPosition(FormatTokenPosition pos)
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isComment(FormatTokenPosition pos)
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isImportant(FormatTokenPosition pos)
 boolean FormatSupport.isLineEmpty(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Check whether there are no tokens except the ending EOL on the given line.
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isLineStart(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Whether the given position is at the begining of the line.
 boolean FormatSupport.isLineWhite(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Check whether there are only the whitespace tokens on the given line.
 boolean ExtFormatSupport.isNewLine(FormatTokenPosition pos)
 boolean FormatSupport.isWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
 void FormatSupport.remove(FormatTokenPosition pos, int length)
 FormatTokenPosition ExtFormatSupport.removeLineEndWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition pos)
          Remove the ending whitespace from the line.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

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