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Diff (Diff) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.diff/1 1.18.0 42

Class Diff

  extended by org.netbeans.api.diff.Diff

public abstract class Diff
extends Object

This class represents a visual diff presenter, that knows how to compute the differences between files and show them to the user.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 DiffView createDiff(StreamSource s1, StreamSource s2)
          Creates single-window diff component that does not include any navigation controls and is controlled programatically via the returned DiffView interface.
abstract  Component createDiff(String name1, String title1, Reader r1, String name2, String title2, Reader r2, String MIMEType)
          Show the visual representation of the diff between two sources.
static Collection<? extends Diff> getAll()
          Get all visual diff presenters registered in the system.
static Diff getDefault()
          Get the default visual diff presenter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Diff()
Method Detail


public static Diff getDefault()
Get the default visual diff presenter.


public static Collection<? extends Diff> getAll()
Get all visual diff presenters registered in the system.


public abstract Component createDiff(String name1,
                                     String title1,
                                     Reader r1,
                                     String name2,
                                     String title2,
                                     Reader r2,
                                     String MIMEType)
                              throws IOException
Show the visual representation of the diff between two sources.

name1 - the name of the first source
title1 - the title of the first source
r1 - the first source
name2 - the name of the second source
title2 - the title of the second source
r2 - the second resource compared with the first one.
MIMEType - the mime type of these sources
The Component representing the diff visual representation or null, when the representation is outside the IDE.
IOException - when the reading from input streams fails.


public DiffView createDiff(StreamSource s1,
                           StreamSource s2)
                    throws IOException
Creates single-window diff component that does not include any navigation controls and is controlled programatically via the returned DiffView interface.

The StreamSource can be used to save the source content if it's modified in the view. The view should not allow source modification if StreamSource.createWriter() returns null.

s1 - the first source
s2 - the second source
DiffView controller interface

org.netbeans.modules.diff/1 1.18.0 42

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.