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StreamSource (Diff) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.diff/1 1.18.0 42

Class StreamSource

  extended by org.netbeans.api.diff.StreamSource

public abstract class StreamSource
extends Object

This class provides streams and information about them to be used by diff and merge services.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the stream source.
abstract  Reader createReader()
          Create a reader, that reads the source.
static StreamSource createSource(String name, String title, String MIMEType, File file)
          Create the default implementation of StreamSource, that has just reader and writer from/to a file.
static StreamSource createSource(String name, String title, String MIMEType, Reader r)
          Create the default implementation of StreamSource, that has just reader and no writer.
abstract  Writer createWriter(Difference[] conflicts)
          Create a writer, that writes to the source.
 Lookup getLookup()
          Source lookup that may define the content of this source.
abstract  String getMIMEType()
          Get the MIME type of the source.
abstract  String getName()
          Get the name of the source.
abstract  String getTitle()
          Get the title of the source.
 boolean isEditable()
          Hint for a diff visualizer about editability of this source.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StreamSource()
Method Detail


public abstract String getName()
Get the name of the source.


public abstract String getTitle()
Get the title of the source.


public abstract String getMIMEType()
Get the MIME type of the source.


public boolean isEditable()
Hint for a diff visualizer about editability of this source. The source will only be made editable if it provides some editable entity in its lookup (eg. FileObject) and this method returns true and the diff visualizer supports it.

true if this source can be editable in the diff visualizer, false otherwise


public Lookup getLookup()
Source lookup that may define the content of this source. In case the lookup does not provide anything usable, createReader() is used instead. Diff engines can process these inputs:
  • instance of FileObject - in this case, the content of the source is defined by calling DataObject.find(fileObject).openDocument(). If the source is editable then it is saved back via SaveCookie.save() when the Diff component closes.
  • instance of Document - in this case, the content of the source is defined by this Document and the source will NOT be editable.
For compatibility purposes, it is still adviced to fully implement createReader() as older Diff providers may not use this method of obtaining the source.

an instance of Lookup


public abstract Reader createReader()
                             throws IOException
Create a reader, that reads the source.



public abstract Writer createWriter(Difference[] conflicts)
                             throws IOException
Create a writer, that writes to the source.

conflicts - The list of conflicts remaining in the source. Can be null if there are no conflicts.
The writer or null, when no writer can be created.


public void close()
Close the stream source. This method, is called when this object will never be asked for the streams any more and thus can release it's resources in this method.


public static StreamSource createSource(String name,
                                        String title,
                                        String MIMEType,
                                        Reader r)
Create the default implementation of StreamSource, that has just reader and no writer.


public static StreamSource createSource(String name,
                                        String title,
                                        String MIMEType,
                                        File file)
Create the default implementation of StreamSource, that has just reader and writer from/to a file.

org.netbeans.modules.diff/1 1.18.0 42

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.