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UpdateProvider (Auto Update Services) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.services 1.2

Interface UpdateProvider

public interface UpdateProvider

UpdateProvider providers items for Autoupdate infrastructure. The items are available on e.g. Update Center. Items can represents NetBeans Module, its Localization, Feature as group of NetBeans Modules or special components which needs own native installer to make them accessible in NetBeans product. The infrastructure finds out UpdateProvider in Lookup.getDefault(), the provider can be registring declaratively in XML layer. Note: the former Autoupdate module allows declaration of former AutoupdateType on XML layer, these declaration are read as new one UpdateProvider by reason of backward compatability.

Method Summary
 String getDisplayName()
          Display name of provider.
 String getName()
          Name of provider, this name is used by Autoupdate infrastructure for manimulating of providers.
 Map<String,UpdateItem> getUpdateItems()
          Returns UpdateItems which is mapped to its unique ID.
 boolean refresh(boolean force)
          Make refresh of content of the provider.

Method Detail


String getName()
Name of provider, this name is used by Autoupdate infrastructure for manimulating of providers.

name of provider


String getDisplayName()
Display name of provider. This display name can be visualized in UI.

display name of provider


Map<String,UpdateItem> getUpdateItems()
                                      throws IOException
Returns UpdateItems which is mapped to its unique ID. Unique ID depends on the type of UpdateItem.

Map of code name of UpdateItem and instance of UpdateItem
IOException - when any network problem appreared
See Also:


boolean refresh(boolean force)
                throws IOException
Make refresh of content of the provider. The content can by read from a cache. The force parameter forces reading content from remote server.

force - if true then forces to reread the content from server
true if refresh succeed
IOException - when any network problem appreared

org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.services 1.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.