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UpdateItem (Auto Update Services) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.services 1.2

Class UpdateItem

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.autoupdate.UpdateItem

public final class UpdateItem
extends Object

Represents a item of content provider by UpdateProvider. These items are exposed to Autoupdate infrastructure what works on them.

Method Summary
static UpdateItem createFeature(String codeName, String specificationVersion, Set<String> dependencies, String displayName, String description, String category)
          Creates UpdateItem which represents Feature, it's means group of NetBeans Modules.
static UpdateItem createInstalledNativeComponent(String codeName, String specificationVersion, Set<String> dependencies, String displayName, String description, CustomUninstaller uninstaller)
          Creates UpdateItem which represents Native Component with own installer.
static UpdateItem createLocalization(String codeName, String specificationVersion, String moduleSpecificationVersion, Locale locale, String branding, String localizedName, String localizedDescription, String category, URL distribution, Boolean needsRestart, Boolean isGlobal, String targetCluster, UpdateLicense license)
          Creates UpdateItem which can localized NetBeans Module in given Locale.
static UpdateItem createModule(String codeName, String specificationVersion, URL distribution, String author, String downloadSize, String homepage, String publishDate, String category, Manifest manifest, Boolean needsRestart, Boolean isGlobal, String targetCluster, UpdateLicense license)
          Creates UpdateItem/code> which represents NetBeans Module in Autoupdate infrastructure.
static UpdateItem createNativeComponent(String codeName, String specificationVersion, String downloadSize, Set<String> dependencies, String displayName, String description, Boolean needsRestart, Boolean isGlobal, String targetCluster, CustomInstaller installer, UpdateLicense license)
          Creates UpdateItem which represents Native Component with own installer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static final UpdateItem createModule(String codeName,
                                            String specificationVersion,
                                            URL distribution,
                                            String author,
                                            String downloadSize,
                                            String homepage,
                                            String publishDate,
                                            String category,
                                            Manifest manifest,
                                            Boolean needsRestart,
                                            Boolean isGlobal,
                                            String targetCluster,
                                            UpdateLicense license)
Creates UpdateItem/code> which represents NetBeans Module in Autoupdate infrastructure. UpdateItem is identify by codeName and specificationVersion.

codeName - code name of module
specificationVersion - specification version of module
distribution - URL to NBM file
author - name of module author or null
downloadSize - size of NBM file in bytes
homepage - homepage of module or null
publishDate - date of publish of item, in date format "yyyy/MM/dd"
category - name of category
manifest - java.util.jar.Manifest describes the module in NetBeans module system
needsRestart - if true then IDE must be restarted after module installation
isGlobal - control if the module will be installed into the installation directory or into user's dir
targetCluster - name of cluster where new module will be installed if installation isGlobal
license - UpdateLicense represents license name and text of license agreement


public static final UpdateItem createFeature(String codeName,
                                             String specificationVersion,
                                             Set<String> dependencies,
                                             String displayName,
                                             String description,
                                             String category)
Creates UpdateItem which represents Feature, it's means group of NetBeans Modules. This Feature is handled in UI as atomic item. UpdateItem is identify by codeName and specificationVersion.

codeName - code name of feature
specificationVersion - specification version of feature
dependencies - dependencies to NetBeans modules on which is the feature based
displayName - display name
description - description
category - name of category


public static final UpdateItem createNativeComponent(String codeName,
                                                     String specificationVersion,
                                                     String downloadSize,
                                                     Set<String> dependencies,
                                                     String displayName,
                                                     String description,
                                                     Boolean needsRestart,
                                                     Boolean isGlobal,
                                                     String targetCluster,
                                                     CustomInstaller installer,
                                                     UpdateLicense license)
Creates UpdateItem which represents Native Component with own installer. This component can be visualized in UI as common item, when an user wants to install this component then own CustomInstaller is call back.

codeName - code name of the native component
specificationVersion - specification version of component
dependencies - dependencies to other UpdateItem
downloadSize - size of installation file in bytes
displayName - display name
description - description
needsRestart - if true then IDE must be restarted after component installation
isGlobal - control if the control will be installed into the installation directory or into user's dir
targetCluster - name of cluster where new module will be installed if installation isGlobal
installer - CustomInstaller call-back interface
license - UpdateLicense represents license name and text of license agreement


public static final UpdateItem createInstalledNativeComponent(String codeName,
                                                              String specificationVersion,
                                                              Set<String> dependencies,
                                                              String displayName,
                                                              String description,
                                                              CustomUninstaller uninstaller)
Creates UpdateItem which represents Native Component with own installer. This component can be visualized in UI as common item, when an user wants to install this component then own CustomInstaller is call back.

codeName - code name of the native component
specificationVersion - specification version of component
dependencies - dependencies to other UpdateItem
displayName - display name
description - description
uninstaller - CustomUninstaller call-back interface


public static final UpdateItem createLocalization(String codeName,
                                                  String specificationVersion,
                                                  String moduleSpecificationVersion,
                                                  Locale locale,
                                                  String branding,
                                                  String localizedName,
                                                  String localizedDescription,
                                                  String category,
                                                  URL distribution,
                                                  Boolean needsRestart,
                                                  Boolean isGlobal,
                                                  String targetCluster,
                                                  UpdateLicense license)
Creates UpdateItem which can localized NetBeans Module in given Locale.

codeName - code name of the module for localization
specificationVersion - specification version of localization
moduleSpecificationVersion - specification version of the module for localization
locale - locale
branding - branding
localizedName - localized name of module
localizedDescription - localized descripton of module
category - name of category
distribution - URL to NBM file
needsRestart - if true then IDE must be restarted after module installation
isGlobal - control if the module will be installed into the installation directory or into user's dir
targetCluster - name of cluster where new module will be installed if installation isGlobal
license - UpdateLicense represents license name and text of license agreement

org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.services 1.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.