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Uses of Class org.openide.util.SharedClassObject (NetBeans APIs) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use SharedClassObject
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.explorer.propertysheet The exact properties of a node may be displayed and edited with the Property Sheet
org.openide.modules The IDE is capable of being extended by pluggable modules providing additional functionality. 
org.openide.options System options provide an easy-to-use mechanism for persistent storage of user-settable options. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. 
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 
org.openide.util.actions There are several types of standard actions that should be used for many user interactions with the IDE. 

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.actions

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.actions
 class CloneViewAction
          Create a clone of the current cloneable top component.
 class CloseViewAction
          Close the current top component.
 class CopyAction
          Copy the selected item to the clipboard.
 class CustomizeAction
          Customize a node (rather than using its property sheet).
 class CutAction
          Cut an object to the clipboard.
 class DeleteAction
          Delete an object.
 class EditAction
          Edit an object.
 class FindAction
          Search for something.
 class GarbageCollectAction
          Perform a system garbage collection.
 class GotoAction
          Go to a specific place (for example, line in the editor).
 class MoveDownAction
          Move an item down in a list.
 class MoveUpAction
          Move an item up in a list.
 class NewAction
          Creates a new child of the activated node, if appropriate.
 class NextTabAction
          Switches to the next tab in a window.
 class OpenAction
          Opens a node (for example, in a web browser, or in the Editor).
 class OpenLocalExplorerAction
          Open an Explorer window with a particular root node.
 class PageSetupAction
          Sets up page for printing.
 class PasteAction
          Paste from clipboard.
 class PopupAction
          Open a popup menu.
 class PreviousTabAction
          Go to the previous tab (in a window).
 class PrintAction
          Print the selected object.
 class PropertiesAction
          Get properties of a node.
 class RedoAction
          Redo an edit.
 class RenameAction
          Rename a node.
 class ReorderAction
          Reorder items in a list with a dialog.
 class ReplaceAction
          (Search-and-)replace (for example, in an Editor).
 class SaveAction
          Save a single object.
 class ToolsAction
          A "meta-action" that displays (in a submenu) a list of enabled actions provided by modules.
 class UndoAction
          Undo an edit.
 class UndockAction
          Deprecated. Do not use.
 class ViewAction
          View an object (but do not edit it).
 class WorkspaceSwitchAction
          Deprecated. No longer used since there are no more workspaces.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.explorer.propertysheet

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.explorer.propertysheet
 class PropertySheetSettings
          Deprecated. None of the settings in this class are supported in the new property sheet. The entire implementation has been gutted to do nothing.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.modules

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.modules
 class ModuleInstall
          Provides hooks for a custom module that may be inserted into the IDE.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.options

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.options
 class ContextSystemOption
          Provides a group of system options with this as the parent.
 class SystemOption
          Base class for all system options.
 class VetoSystemOption
          Extends the functionality of SystemOption by providing support for veto listeners.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.text

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.text
static class NbDocument.Colors
          Deprecated. Not useful for anything.
 class PrintSettings
          Settings for output window.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.util

Methods in org.openide.util that return SharedClassObject
static SharedClassObject SharedClassObject.findObject(Class clazz)
          Obtain an instance of the desired class, if there is one.
static SharedClassObject SharedClassObject.findObject(Class clazz, boolean create)
          Find an existing object, possibly creating a new one as needed.

Uses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.util.actions

Subclasses of SharedClassObject in org.openide.util.actions
 class BooleanStateAction
          An action that can be toggled on or off.
 class CallableSystemAction
          An action which may be called programmatically.
 class CallbackSystemAction
          Action that can have a performer of the action attached to it at any time, or changed.
 class CookieAction
          An action dependent on the cookies of the selected nodes.
 class NodeAction
          An action which can listen to the activated node selection.
 class SystemAction
          The common predecessor of callable actions in the IDE.

Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.