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org.openide.util (NetBeans APIs) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0

Package org.openide.util

A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs.


Interface Summary
AsyncGUIJob Service provider interface (SPI) for executing of time consuming task which results are visible in UI.
Cancellable Service provider interface (SPI) for adding cancel support to various jobs.
ContextAwareAction Interface which is supposed to be implemented by action which behaviour is context dependent.
ContextGlobalProvider An interface that can be registered in a lookup by subsystems wish to provide a global context actions should react to.
Enumerations.Processor Processor interface that can filter out objects from the enumeration, change them or add aditional objects to the end of the current enumeration.
HelpCtx.Provider An object implementing this interface is willing to answer the HelpCtx.findHelp() query itself.
HttpServer.Impl Deprecated. Useful only for HttpServer which is itself deprecated.
Lookup.Provider Objects implementing interface Lookup.Provider are capable of and willing to provide a lookup (usually bound to the object).
LookupListener General listener for changes in lookup.
Mutex.Action Action to be executed in a mutex without throwing any checked exceptions.
Mutex.ExceptionAction Action to be executed in a mutex, possibly throwing checked exceptions.
NbBundle.ClassLoaderFinder Deprecated. Useless.
TaskListener Listener which can be notifies when a task finishes.

Class Summary
Enumerations Factory methods for various types of Enumeration.
HelpCtx Provides help for any window or other feature in the system.
HttpServer Deprecated. The httpserver module should provide a replacement for this API if necessary.
Lookup A general registry permitting clients to find instances of services (implementation of a given interface).
Lookup.Item A single item in a lookup result.
Lookup.Result Result of a lookup request.
Lookup.Template Template defining a pattern to filter instances by.
LookupEvent An event describing the change in the lookup's result.
MapFormat A text format similar to MessageFormat but using string rather than numeric keys.
Mutex Read-many/write-one lock.
Mutex.Privileged Provides access to Mutex's internal methods.
NbBundle Convenience class permitting easy loading of localized resources of various sorts.
Queue Queue of objects.
RequestProcessor Request processor that is capable to execute requests in dedicated threads.
SharedClassObject Shared object that allows different instances of the same class to share common data.
Task A task that may be executed in a separate thread and permits examination of its status.
Utilities Otherwise uncategorized useful static methods.
WeakListener Deprecated. Use WeakListeners class.
WeakListener.Change Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.Document Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.FileChange Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.FileStatus Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.Focus Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.Node Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.PropertyChange Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.Repository Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListener.VetoableChange Deprecated. use appropriate method instead
WeakListeners A generic weak listener factory.
WeakSet Set which holds its members by using of WeakReferences.

Exception Summary
MutexException Encapsulates other exceptions thrown from a mutex method.
NotImplementedException Should be thrown when a feature is not implemented.
TopologicalSortException Exception that signals that a topological sort failed due to unsortable nature of the graph and that provides support for reporting and recovering from that state.
UserCancelException Exception that is thrown when user cancels interaction so the requested result cannot be produced.
UserQuestionException Exception that is thrown when the process is about to perform some action that requires user confirmation.
Utilities.UnorderableException Deprecated. Used only by the deprecated Utilities.partialSort(java.util.List, java.util.Comparator, boolean)

Package org.openide.util Description

A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs.

Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.