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Uses of Class org.openide.util.HelpCtx (NetBeans APIs) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use HelpCtx
org.openide Miscellaneous general classes, especially the util classes to handle a user notifications, displaying dialogs and the error management system. 
org.openide.actions There are a number of standard system actions available for use in the IDE. 
org.openide.awt A set of utility classes pertaining to the visual appearance of the IDE. 
org.openide.explorer Many different UI components of the IDE are actually Explorer views of nodes. 
org.openide.explorer.propertysheet The exact properties of a node may be displayed and edited with the Property Sheet
org.openide.explorer.view The Explorer is really an abstraction that needs a view to actually display the nodes. 
org.openide.nodes The IDE uses nodes to represent JavaBeans or other property containers, formed into a hierarchical tree. 
org.openide.options System options provide an easy-to-use mechanism for persistent storage of user-settable options. 
org.openide.text The IDE is able to integrate multiple editors for different content types and mechanically access their content. 
org.openide.util A set of utility classes covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs. 
org.openide.util.actions There are several types of standard actions that should be used for many user interactions with the IDE. 
org.openide.util.datatransfer The IDE uses special extensions to data transfer. 
org.openide.windows Most parts of the IDE do not manipulate windows directly, but use special top components

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide

Methods in org.openide that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx WizardDescriptor.Panel.getHelp()
          Help for this panel.
abstract  HelpCtx ServiceType.getHelpCtx()
          Get context help for this service type.
 HelpCtx DialogDescriptor.getHelpCtx()
          Get current help context asociated with this dialog descriptor.

Methods in org.openide with parameters of type HelpCtx
 void WizardDescriptor.setHelpCtx(HelpCtx helpCtx)
 void DialogDescriptor.setHelpCtx(HelpCtx helpCtx)
          Set new help context for this dialog descriptor.

Constructors in org.openide with parameters of type HelpCtx
DialogDescriptor(Object innerPane, String title, boolean modal, Object[] options, Object initialValue, int optionsAlign, HelpCtx helpCtx, ActionListener bl)
          Create dialog descriptor; possibility of specifying custom array of options and their alignment.
DialogDescriptor(Object innerPane, String title, boolean modal, Object[] options, Object initialValue, int optionsAlign, HelpCtx helpCtx, ActionListener bl, boolean leaf)
          Create dialog descriptor; possibility of specifying custom array of options and their alignment.
DialogDescriptor(Object innerPane, String title, boolean isModal, int optionType, Object initialValue, int optionsAlign, HelpCtx helpCtx, ActionListener bl)
          Create dialog descriptor.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.actions

Methods in org.openide.actions that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx WorkspaceSwitchAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx ViewAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx UndockAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx UndoAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx ToolsAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx SaveAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx ReplaceAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx ReorderAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx RenameAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx RedoAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PropertiesAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PrintAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PreviousTabAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PopupAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PasteAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx PageSetupAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx OpenLocalExplorerAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx OpenAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx NextTabAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx NewAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx MoveUpAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx MoveDownAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx GotoAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx GarbageCollectAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx FindAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx EditAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx DeleteAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CutAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CustomizeAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CopyAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CloseViewAction.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CloneViewAction.getHelpCtx()

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.awt

Methods in org.openide.awt that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx Actions.SubMenuModel.getHelpCtx(int index)
          Get context help for the specified item.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.explorer

Methods in org.openide.explorer that return HelpCtx
static HelpCtx ExplorerUtils.getHelpCtx(Node[] sel, HelpCtx def)
          Utility method to get context help from a node selection.
 HelpCtx ExplorerPanel.getHelpCtx()
          Deprecated. Get context help for an explorer window.
static HelpCtx ExplorerPanel.getHelpCtx(Node[] sel, HelpCtx def)
          Deprecated. Utility method to get context help from a node selection.

Methods in org.openide.explorer with parameters of type HelpCtx
static HelpCtx ExplorerUtils.getHelpCtx(Node[] sel, HelpCtx def)
          Utility method to get context help from a node selection.
static HelpCtx ExplorerPanel.getHelpCtx(Node[] sel, HelpCtx def)
          Deprecated. Utility method to get context help from a node selection.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.explorer.propertysheet

Methods in org.openide.explorer.propertysheet that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx PropertySheetSettings.getHelpCtx()

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.explorer.view

Methods in org.openide.explorer.view that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx MenuView.MenuItem.getHelpCtx()

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.nodes

Methods in org.openide.nodes that return HelpCtx
abstract  HelpCtx Node.getHelpCtx()
          Get context help associated with this node.
 HelpCtx FilterNode.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx BeanNode.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx AbstractNode.getHelpCtx()

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.options

Methods in org.openide.options that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx SystemOption.getHelpCtx()
          Get context help for this system option.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.text

Methods in org.openide.text that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx PrintSettings.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx IndentEngine.getHelpCtx()
 HelpCtx CloneableEditor.getHelpCtx()
          Get context help for this editor pane.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.util

Fields in org.openide.util declared as HelpCtx
static HelpCtx HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP
          Default help page.

Methods in org.openide.util that return HelpCtx
static HelpCtx HelpCtx.findHelp(Component comp)
          Find the help ID for a component.
static HelpCtx HelpCtx.findHelp(Object instance)
          Finds help context for a generic object.
 HelpCtx HelpCtx.Provider.getHelpCtx()
          Get the HelpCtx associated with implementing object.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.util.actions

Methods in org.openide.util.actions that return HelpCtx
abstract  HelpCtx SystemAction.getHelpCtx()
          Get a help context for the action.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.util.datatransfer

Methods in org.openide.util.datatransfer that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx PasteType.getHelpCtx()
          Help content for the action.
 HelpCtx NewType.getHelpCtx()
          Help context for the creation action.

Uses of HelpCtx in org.openide.windows

Methods in org.openide.windows that return HelpCtx
 HelpCtx TopComponent.getHelpCtx()
          Get the help context for this component.

Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.