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Uses of Class org.drools.repository.RulesRepositoryException (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use RulesRepositoryException

Uses of RulesRepositoryException in org.drools.repository

Methods in org.drools.repository that throw RulesRepositoryException
 void CategorisableItem.addCategory(String tag)
          Adds the specified tag to this object's node.
protected static javax.jcr.Node RulesRepository.addNodeIfNew(javax.jcr.Node parent, String nodeName, String type)
          Will add a node named 'nodeName' of type 'type' to 'parent' if such a node does not already exist.
 PackageItem RulesRepository.createPackage(String name, String description)
          Adds a package to the repository.
 List RulesRepository.findAssetsByCategory(String categoryTag)
          TODO: Comment
 List RulesRepository.findAssetsByCategory(String categoryTag, boolean seekArchivedAsset)
          This will retrieve a list of RuleItem objects - that are allocated to the provided category.
 List CategorisableItem.getCategories()
          Gets a list of CategoryItem objects for this assets node.
 String VersionableItem.getCheckinComment()
          This will return the checkin comment for the latest revision.
 List CategoryItem.getChildTags()
 String AssetItem.getContent()
          returns the string contents of the rule node.
 Calendar AssetItem.getDateEffective()
 Calendar AssetItem.getDateExpired()
 String VersionableItem.getDescription()
          See the Dublin Core documentation for more explanation: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
 String VersionableItem.getFormat()
          This returns the format of an item.
 String CategoryItem.getFullPath()
 Calendar VersionableItem.getLastModified()
 String Item.getName()
          gets the name of this item (unless overridden in a subclass, this just returns the name of the node that this Item encapsulates.
abstract  VersionableItem VersionableItem.getPrecedingVersion()
          Clients of this method can cast the resulting object to the type of object they are calling the method on (e.g.
 VersionableItem PackageItem.getPrecedingVersion()
 VersionableItem AssetItem.getPrecedingVersion()
protected  javax.jcr.Node VersionableItem.getPrecedingVersionNode()
static RulesRepository RepositorySessionUtil.getRepository()
 StateItem VersionableItem.getState()
          Gets StateItem object corresponding to the state property of this object's node
 StateItem RulesRepository.getState(String name)
          Gets a StateItem for the specified state name.
abstract  VersionableItem VersionableItem.getSucceedingVersion()
          Clients of this method can cast the resulting object to the type of object they are calling the method on (e.g.
 VersionableItem PackageItem.getSucceedingVersion()
 VersionableItem AssetItem.getSucceedingVersion()
protected  javax.jcr.Node VersionableItem.getSucceedingVersionNode()
 String VersionableItem.getTitle()
          Gets the Title of the versionable node.
 CategoryItem RulesRepository.loadCategory(String tagName)
          This will return a category for the given category path.
 PackageItem RulesRepository.loadDefaultPackage()
          This will return or create the default package for rules that have no home yet.
 PackageItem RulesRepository.loadPackage(String name)
          Loads a RulePackage for the specified package name.
 PackageItem RulesRepository.loadPackageByUUID(String uuid)
          Similar to above.
 void CategorisableItem.removeCategory(String tag)
          Removes the specified tag from this object's rule node.
 void JCRRepositoryConfigurator.setupRulesRepository(javax.jcr.Session session)
          Attempts to setup the repository.
 void JackrabbitRepositoryConfigurator.setupRulesRepository(javax.jcr.Session session)
 AssetItem AssetItem.updateContent(String newRuleContent)
          This will update the asset's content (checking it out if it is not already).
 void AssetItem.updateDateEffective(Calendar newDateEffective)
          Creates a new version of this object's rule node, updating the effective date for the rule node.
 void AssetItem.updateDateExpired(Calendar newDateExpired)
          Creates a new version of this object's rule node, updating the expired date for the rule node.
 void VersionableItem.updateDescription(String newDescriptionContent)
          Creates a new version of this object's node, updating the description content for the node.
 void VersionableItem.updateState(StateItem stateItem)
          Sets this object's rule node's state property to refer to the specified StateItem's node
 void VersionableItem.updateState(String stateName)
          Sets this object's rule node's state property to refer to the specified state node
 void VersionableItem.updateTitle(String title)
          Creates a new version of this object's node, updating the title content for the node.

Constructors in org.drools.repository that throw RulesRepositoryException
AssetItem(RulesRepository rulesRepository, javax.jcr.Node node)
          Constructs a RuleItem object, setting its node attribute to the specified node.
CategoryItem(RulesRepository rulesRepository, javax.jcr.Node node)
          Constructs an object of type TagItem corresponding the specified node
PackageItem(RulesRepository rulesRepository, javax.jcr.Node node)
          Constructs an object of type RulePackageItem corresponding the specified node
StateItem(RulesRepository rulesRepository, javax.jcr.Node node)
          Constructs an object of type StateItem corresponding the specified node

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