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org.drools.repository (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.repository

Interface Summary
JCRRepositoryConfigurator This interface is required so different JCR implementations can provide their own configuration mechanism.

Class Summary
AssetHistoryIterator A lazy iterator for walking back through history.
AssetItem The RuleItem class is used to abstract away the details of the underlying JCR repository.
AssetItemIterator This iterates over nodes and produces RuleItem's.
CategorisableItem This contains logic for categorisable items (not all versionably items are categorisable).
CategoryItem The TagItem class abstracts away details of the underlying JCR repository.
Item The item class is used to abstract away the underlying details of the JCR repository.
JackrabbitRepositoryConfigurator This contains code to initialise the repository for jackrabbit.
MyAccessManager This is just an experimental access manager for proof of concept.
PackageItem A PackageItem object aggregates a set of assets (for example, rules).
PackageIterator This wraps a node iterator, and provides PackageItems when requested.
RepositorySessionUtil This is a utility to simulate session behavior for the test suite.
RulesRepository RulesRepository is the class that defines the bahavior for the JBoss Rules (drools) rule repository based upon the JCR specification (JSR-170).
RulesRepositoryAdministrator This class is for administering the rules repo.
StateItem The StateItem represents the status of an asset.
VersionableItem This is the parent class for versionable assets.

Exception Summary
RulesRepositoryException The main exception thrown by classes in this package.

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