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org.drools.brms.client.rpc (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.brms.client.rpc

This contains classes used for remote communication with the repository server.


Interface Summary
RepositoryService This is what the remote service will implement, as a servlet.
RepositoryServiceAsync This is what the remote service will implement, as a servlet.

Class Summary
BuilderResult Returned by the builder.
MetaData This is the DTO for a versionable asset's meta data.
PackageConfigData This contains data for a package configuration.
RepositoryServiceFactory Creates instances of the repository service for the client code to use.
RuleAsset This is the "payload" of a rule asset.
RuleContentText This is the guts of a plain text (advanced) rule.
SnapshotInfo Simple DTO for snapshot info.
TableDataResult This contains the results returned to populate a table/grid.
TableDataRow This is a row of data from a table.
ValidatedResponse This is used for services that validate.

Package org.drools.brms.client.rpc Description

This contains classes used for remote communication with the repository server. They must be GWT friendly and Serializable. RepositoryService is the service interface that the front end uses.

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