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org.drools.brms.client.packages (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.brms.client.packages

This holds GUI classes to do with package management.


Class Summary
AssetAttachmentFileWidget This wraps a file uploader utility for model packages.
FactTemplateWizard For building fact templates,.
ModelAttachmentFileWidget This wraps a file uploader utility for model packages.
PackageBuilderWidget This is the widget for building packages, validating etc.
PackageEditor This is the package editor and viewer for package configuration.
PackageExplorerWidget Contains the explorer to view (and lazy load) the packages in a repository.
PackageManagerView This view is a tabbed browser for package management.
PackageSnapshotView This contains a list of packages and their deployment snapshots.
SuggestionCompletionCache This utility cache will maintain a cache of suggestion completion engines, as they are somewhat heavy to load.

Package org.drools.brms.client.packages Description

This holds GUI classes to do with package management.

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